'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Picks A Twitter War With Snooki

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Picks A Twitter War With Snooki Before the rain of toads overcomes me or one more soaring swine barn-storms my desk, I'm forced to actually defend Snooki.

MTV's with-child "Jersey Shore" star has come under fire from, of all people, "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans over a questionably worded quote making it appear the once-bronzed half-pint has a head start on shirking motherly duties.

"There is no way I'm changing any diapers when my baby is born. That is disgusting," begins the dubious bite originally appearing without attribution on Reddit.com, with scads of users reporting failures to affirm its veracity. "That's what maids are for and babysitters. I don't have time for that. I'll have them do that stuff. I'll be there for the good parts, like dressing my son up and making sure he got style. You don't have to cook or clean or change diapers to be a good mother. My son will have everything he wants. He's going to be a little star like his mommy."

Evans apparently had already invoked the Law of "Too Long; Didn't Read," completely ignored the implications of scads of snarkers claiming it couldn't be reliably sourced, and put the fairly certainly phony quotation on blast via Twitter.

Because The Holy Interwebz never, ever lies.

It was piling on by this point, but Snooki herself chimed in to take the 20-year-old mother of a three-year-old son named Jace down a peg after blocking Evans' Twitter account.

So, back to defending Snooki....

She indeed comes across as head-slappingly ditzy, and more than a tad grating to anyone that's not entirely taken with "Jersey Shore" as a whole. Neither quality alone makes anyone necessarily an awful and irresponsible individual. In Snooki's case, most accounts actually point to the contrary. Prior to joining the series, she admittedly pursued a career in veterinary medicine, and has been regarded as taking extra care behind the scenes to plan her future in light of realizing that she won't be a reality-television darling her entire life.

To put it more simply: if the shoe doesn't fit, you're entirely within your rights to wing it at the gullible contemporary who tried to wedge it onto your foot.