Ted Nugent: 'Black Jew At A Nazi-Klan Rally'

Ted Nugent It's hard to really "sensationalize" anything Ted Nugent says. Often, for the several valid points he can sometimes make, it's hard to make others actually sound more crazy than they already do at the time.

So it is that we now introduce, Ted Nugent....rocker, activist, gun-owner, hunter, "black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally."

That last part? His words, not ours. That's how he described conservative pundit Dana Loesch's radio show the way he claims President Obama's Secret Service detail dogged him after his appearance at last weekend's National Rifle Association convention.

"I'm a black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally," Nugent said to Loesch Tuesday. "And there are some power abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth."

Nugent told the convention audience last weekend, "If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, "I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year." Consequently, many Democrats, especially Congresswoman and Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, publicly condemned his remarks and asked that Nugent apologize. Left-leaners also asked that Republican Mitt Romney keep Nugent at arm's length. Finally, viewing the "Cat Scratch Fever" singer's suggested threat against Obama, a Secret Service spokesman confirmed that agents are "conducting appropriate follow-up."

News flash regarding that demanded apology: people in Hell want ice water. Nugent not only won't back off his remarks, but has maintained his public endorsement of Romney as the man to challenge Obama this coming November. Romney hasn't publicly addressed Nugent's statements.

"I have never in my life threatened anyone's life. I'm incapable of threatening anyone's life. Because I'm about positive change, my entire speech, all my articles," Nugent said. "I spoke at the NRA and will stand by my speech. It's 100-percent positive. It's about we the people taking back our American dream from the corrupt monsters in the federal government under this administration, the communist czars he has appointed."

His summation of Schultz and additionally, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi? "Varmints," he said.