'Survivor' Contestant Outed as Transgender

'Survivor' Contestant Outed as Transgender

Zeke Smith is trying to make the best of the situation.

The two-time Survivor player was outed as transgender by fellow tribe member Jeff Varner during tribal council on Wednesday's episode of Game Changers.

Varner, who told host Jeff Probst  that he felt he was going home earlier in the tribal council, decided to reveal one last piece of information in the hopes of saving himself.

"There is deception here. Deceptions on levels, Jeff, that these guys don't even understand," Varner said, looking at Smith. "Why haven't you told anyone that you're transgender?"

While Smith was open about his sexuality during his last appearance on the show, Survivor: Millenials vs. Gen X, and even inspired another contestant, Bret, to come out to him on the show, the transgender reveal was a shock to his tribe -- and something Smith hoped wouldn't come to light.

Instead of turning on Smith, however, the Nuku tribe chastised Varner for outing the Brooklyn native on national television.

Read the rest of this article at ET Online.

Jeff Probst also appeared in the 2001 movie Finder's Fee.