'Survivor' Contestant Dumped for Alleged Groping

'Survivor' Contestant Dumped for Alleged Groping

The producers of Survivor: Island of the Idols announced this week that they're removing Dan Spilo from the show's cast, but they wouldn't say why. Now sources are saying that Spilo was ditched because he allegedly touched a crew member inappropriately, and that this wasn't the first time. Read on for details.

Via People.

At the end of Wednesday night’s episode of Survivor: Island of the Idols, it was revealed that contestant Dan Spilo was removed from the game as a result of an undisclosed “incident.”

The explanation that appeared on screen was nebulous: “Dan was removed from the game after a report of another incident, which happened off-camera and did not involve a player.”

PEOPLE has spoken to multiple people involved with the show’s production, who confirmed that the incident in question — which involved a member of the show’s production team — happened after an immunity challenge as Spilo and other contestants were getting into a boat to transport them back to the camp.

At one point, Spilo allegedly touched the female crew member’s leg. According to multiple sources, he insisted that the contact was inadvertent and accidental as he lost his balance while trying to get into the boat. At least one of the remaining contestants witnessed the incident.

But the show’s production team wasn’t convinced that the contact was merely incidental. After consulting with the show’s legal team, producers eventually decided to remove him from the show.

The incident came just weeks after Spilo, a Hollywood agent, was accused of inappropriately touching a female contestant earlier this season. During the controversial episode, contestant Kellee Kim expressed concern that Spilo had violated her personal space, even after she made multiple requests for him to stop.

Get the rest of the story at People.

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