Streaming is Now the Most Popular Way to Watch TV

Streaming is Now the Most Popular Way to Watch TV

Streaming platforms are more popular than ever as a way to watch TV, and traditional forms of TV such as cable and broadcast networks have declined in popularity. That means that this summer, for the first time, viewers more often chose to watch TV via streaming services than cable channels or broadcast networks. Read on for details.

Via The Hollywood Reporter.

Streaming services hit a fifth consecutive high in their share of all TV use in July — and for the first time, ranked as the most watched platform across the television landscape.

Streamers overtook cable for the month, accounting for almost 35 percent (34.8 percent, to be exact) of all TV usage in the United States, according to Nielsen’s monthly Gauge platform rankings. That’s up more than a full percentage point from June’s figure of 33.7 percent. Streaming usage has increased every month since March, growing by an average of about a point per month.

The high mark for July was fueled by Netflix’s Stranger Things — which racked up 18 billion minutes of viewing time for the month — and other big titles, including The Umbrella Academy and The Boys. Streamers gained more than six share points compared to July 2021 (28.3 percent to 34.8 percent), an increase of almost 23 percent.

The Nielsen figures also run counter to gloomier reports from media companies in recent weeks. Netflix shed nearly a million subscribers worldwide in the second quarter of the year, and Warner Bros. Discovery is making post-merger layoffs and cutting some programming from HBO Max as it prepares to combine that service and the nonfiction-focused Discovery+ next year.

Cable (34.4 percent of TV use) and broadcast (21.6 percent), meanwhile, both hit their lowest points in the 14 months that Nielsen has been releasing its platform rankings. Cable is down by about 9 percent from the same point a year ago, while broadcast networks slipped by 10 percent. There’s some noise in that comparison — the Tokyo Olympics and delayed NBA and NHL playoff contests were airing on broadcast and cable outlets a year ago — but both platforms have been trending down for several months, coinciding with streaming’s steady rise.

Other TV use, including gaming, physical media playback and streaming from cable set-top boxes (which don’t credit inpidual streaming services), made up the remaining 9.2 percent of total usage in July.

Get the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter.