Stephen Colbert Presents 'Breaking Abbey'

Stephen Colbert Presents 'Breaking Abbey' Oh, Stephen Colbert. As usual, you deliver.

What’s it now? Obviously, a well-devised mash-up of the popular shows “Breaking Bad” and “Downton Abbey.”


Colbert is apparently outraged by first lady Michelle Obama’s special treatment. Rather than wait until January 6th to watch the release of the newest season of “Downton Abbey,” Obama requested an advanced copy.

Don’t worry. Colbert has the rest of us covered with a sneak preview of our own.

“Scenes from the upcoming season of ‘Breaking Bad.’ As performed by the men of ‘Downton Abbey.’”

“It’s a shame that in order to save Downton Abbey Lord Granthum has sunk to brewing the black chamomile crank,” Mr. Carson tells Thomas as they brew themselves a fine batch of Earl Blue.

“Soon Downton will be kicking it with mad bitches and Benjamins,” Lord Granthum extols as the group watches their Earl Blue fuming.

Tensions grow high as the group makes a sale in the desert with tightly wound Spider, who approves of the tea. “I’ll take that *bleep* with some miiiilk!”

Meanwhile Thomas, as usual, tries to pin someone slipping the recipe out on poor Mr. Bates.

Shots are fired.

As Mr. Carson and “The Tea Kingpin of Yorkshire” dispose of the bodies, they elegantly quote Byron’s famous line, “Mo money, mo quandaries.”

“All for you, nation! All for you!”

Thank you, generous Stephen Colbert. For how else could we call ourselves American if we didn’t have access to humorous spoofs combining a British miniseries with a violent drug drama?
