Stephen Colbert Defends New 'Star Wars' Lightsaber

Stephen Colbert Defends New 'Star Wars' Lightsaber Of all the things we expected to be talking about when the new "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer released, a weird-looking lightsaber wasn't high on the list.

Still, the main takeaway the Internet had from the trailer was the lightsaber used by an unnamed Sith in the trailer. As he stumbles through the woods, he activates his lightsaber, which includes two extra, smaller blades at the hilt as a sort of crossguard.

The Internet immediately latched onto that visual, some mocking it with memes and others jumping to its defense. But now, we have the final word in the debate.

Stephen Colbert has entered the fray.

The host of "The Colbert Report" took time to talk about the new lightsaber on his show, and he claims that it's all legit. You see, many were arguing that since the part of the cross-hilt closest to the blade is made of metal, an opponent's lightsaber would slice right through it.

However, Colbert argues that the blade, which looks to be made of three parts, is actually one blade using three different focusing crystals. Of course, he explains all this in a way that only Colbert can.

Check out the video below: