Stars Speak Out Against Child-Separation Policy

Stars Speak Out Against Child-Separation Policy

Stars, including Big Little Lies star Reese Witherspoon, don't like that the Trump administration is separating families and detaining children at the US border, and they're speaking up about it. Read on for some of the most constructive of their comments.

Via Us Weekly.

Making the most of their platform. After photos of children being separated from their parents at the border went viral, celebrities — including Reese Witherspoon, Chrissy Teigen, Jimmy Kimmel, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Bell and James Van Der Beek — have spoken out about the migrant children crisis on social media.

“Attn ALL U.S.Senators & U. S. Representatives: Please support the Keep Families Together Act. This atrocity must end. Please Support S. 3036,” Witherspoon tweeted on Monday, June 18. The Legally Blonde star also quote tweeted former First Lady Laura Bush’s post about living in a “border state,” adding, “Well Said @laurawbush These images of parents and children being separated is horrifying. Cruel and immoral and deplorable.”

Teigen shared a photo on Twitter of a young girl crying as she was separated from her mother by a U.S. border agent and compared the child to her 2-year-old daughter Luna: “this little girl is the same age as my daughter. luna is the happiest thing. the funniest girl. and she is absolutely terrified to look around and realize she is too far away from us, even for seconds. the fear she would feel here fills me with rage and sadness.”

The model and her husband, John Legend, recently donated $288,000 to the ALCU on President Donald Trump’s birthday. The couple, who are also parents of newborn son Miles, helped raise over a million dollars for the organization.

Kimmel, for his part, tweeted out ways for people to help: “1) Call your reps at (202) 224-3121- tell them to END the separation of families at the border (ask your Senators to pass the Keep Families Together Act and your House Rep to pass the HELP Separated Children Act). 2) Donate to to protect vulnerable children at our border. 3) Use this frame on Facebook with a photo of you and your kids to show that you will not stand for families being ripped apart.”

Get the rest of the story at Us Weekly.

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