'Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace' Due Out in 3D in Februrary 2012

I have good news and bad news: the good news is that the original "Star Wars" trilogy will be re-released in theaters with a 3D upgrade. The bad news is that the prequels (Episodes I, II, and III) will be re-released first.

It's hardly any surprise that special effects enthusiast George Lucas wants to upgrade his movies into 3D. The technology is finally here, and Lucas has been talking about it for a while...the release of "Avatar" seemed to put more wind behind the sails.

So now all six "Star Wars" films will receive a 3D post-conversion, taking the 2D films and forcing them into 3D.

Many movies of late have been converted to 3D in post-production as the industry moves toward a more 3D-friendly environment.

The best results always come from a movie being shot in 3D from start to finish, though, and 2D post-conversion tends to deliver a somewhat inferior product in terms of depth. That being said, Lucas is a special effects wizard and if anyone can do a good upconversion, it's his company ILM (Industrial Light and Magic).

The question is how the movies will fare in the box office this time around. The draw of 3D might bring out good crowds, and the slightly more expensive tickets will provide an impressive-looking box office gross on paper. If there's any justice in the world, Episodes IV through VI will fare much better than I through III. Given the nature of the project, it's likely that the footage used will be the digitally remastered and updated "Special Edition" versions of the original trilogy that hit theaters a while back, so expect to see Hayden Christensen's ghost at the end of "Return of the Jedi."

The 3D release of "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" is set for release on February 10th, 2012. Mark your calendars, and may the Force be with you.