SPOILER: Oprah's Big Secret Revealed

SPOILER: Oprah's Big Secret Revealed Oprah Winfrey has been advertising that a big family secret was going to be revealed on today’s show.

Well, sources have leaked what this show is all about and you can read it here! If you have your DVR set, then don’t read this now. Come back later and you can dish on details.

Oprah’s big secret is that she had a half sister she did not know about. The secret was revealed to the Chicago audience that gets to see the show live as it tapes for audiences later in the day for the rest of the country.

Why didn’t Oprah know about this sister sooner?

Supposedly her mother had the child after Oprah was born and just couldn’t afford to keep her. Her mother kept the secret, but when the unauthorized biography of Oprah was written last year, the news got out about it. Some suggest Oprah read the book and began an investigation of her own to see if it was true. According to Radar Online:

"Winfrey, 56, announced that she has a younger half-sister - Patricia, a single mother from Milwaukee - that she never knew about, until just before Thanksgiving.

Oprah's mother, Vernita Lee, gave up the child shortly after birth because she couldn't afford to raise her. Patricia, now 47, went into foster care for seven years and was adopted at age 7."

Do you think finding out Oprah is your half sister is better than winning the lotto? You bet it is! How many gifts do you think Oprah ahs bought for her sister since she learned of her? And the children are probably getting the best possible education ever.

But it still doesn’t answer how Oprah didn’t recognize that her mother was pregnant and then didn't have a baby. At nine years old, you'd think Orpah would notice a thing like that!