'South Park' Season 15, Episode 9 Recap - 'The Last of the Meheecans'

'South Park' Season 15, Episode 9 Recap - 'The Last of the Meheecans' Did "South Park" just give a nod to the Occupy Wall Street movement?

Last night's episode, "The Last of the Meheecans," once again tackled the economy, but in a method completely different from the incredible season 13 episode "Margaritaville." The show has also touched upon illegal immigration before with the also genius "Goobacks," but again, not like this.

Here's the setup: the boys are playing a game of Texans and Mexicans (they pronounce it "Meheecans"), which involves building a fence and having one team try to sneak across it. Thanks to a brilliant diversion ("I was enthralled with the dialogue exchange"...did the best line of the episode just go to Clyde?), the Meheecan team wins... but poor Butters got lost. He is now Mantequilla, the last of the Meheecans.

Mantequilla, by the way, is Spanish for "butter." See what they did there?

He goes wandering off into the night, as he often does on this show, and ends up being picked up by a yuppie couple who mistakes him for an actual Mexican immigrant. They try their best to make him happy--they have him clean the house, and even give him a leaf blower--but Mantequilla keeps saying that he needs to go home. So, they take him to where he can be "with his own kind": El Pollo Loco.

But the way Butters/Mantequilla talks to the Mexicans working there, he has them convinced that it would be better to return home. Thus starts the sparkling satirical brilliance of this episode.

America now has a "reverse immigration crisis," in which Mexican immigrants are fleeing America and climbing over the border to go back home to Mexico. This is because, as they say, America is on the decline and pretty soon it'll be better in Mexico.

While Mantequilla is welcomed as a hero for starting the Mexican pride movement, Cartman heads to the border to volunteer for the Border Patrol. This of course leads to an epic showdown between Cartman and Butters, complete with a burro chase. The piece de resistance here is that the Border Patrol guards, fed up with Mexicans fleeing back to their home country, want Butters to come back in.

Pretty good, eh? Exactly the kind of twisted logic we've come to expect from these guys. Was it a nod to the Occupy Wall Street movement? Maybe indirectly, but it's clear that Trey and Matt agree that things are pretty f***ed.

What they're trying to tell us: Mexicans don't actually want to clean, you stupid white people. Also, America is straight-up f***ed.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, one of the fine clips from the episode: