'South Park' Not Going Anywhere (Probably), Trey Parker and Matt Stone Say

'South Park' Not Going Anywhere (Probably), Trey Parker and Matt Stone Say When the most recent new episode of "South Park" aired, it seemed clear from the theme of the episode that co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone were growing weary of the process. The episode, entitled "You're Getting Old," was all about the cynicism that comes with age and tiring of the things that you love. For more analysis on the episode, click here.

Parker and Stone appeared on "The Daily Show" to discuss the success of their Broadway play "The Book of Mormon," but the subject turned to "South Park" when Jon Stewart asked the boys about their work schedules and whether or not they were feeling like, as Stewart put it, "F*** that, we're tired."

Parker assured everyone that wasn't the case: "Not really, because we love 'South Park,'" said Parker. "That's still our thing."

Stewart professed his love for the "You're Getting Old" episode, and Parker confirmed that we weren't the only ones worried about the future of the show after seeing it. "That's what was so funny...we did that last episode, we really did it by the seat of our pants, and obviously it had a lot of the things we were feeling in it. But we came back, and people were like, 'Are you okay? Is the show coming back?' and we were like, "Yeah! We had a really good time doing that, it was fun!"

Parker added a caveat, saying, "We don't know what's going to happen...we'll figure it out in August."

So "South Park" fans can breathe a half-sigh of relief, knowing that while Parker and Stone may have confessed to tiring of writing "South Park" and their contract will be up after this season, they still seem to be enjoying it. As long as it's their "thing," we should still get new episodes.

To see the full interview, which also includes a discussion about swearing on TV and Stone calling the Spider-Man musical a "train wreck," check out the video below.