'So You'll Never Believe Who Came Through My Check-Out Line At Target...'

'So You'll Never Believe Who Came Through My Check-Out Line At Target...' OK, so maybe it's not the sort of compelling, insider tell-all intimate revelation of Jackie Kennedy's years following JFK's assassination, but some swing voter somewhere was probably swayed by the revelation Michelle Obama just might mooch a few grapes off the produce aisle just like the unwashed masses.

"Mrs. Obama says she likes to do normal things that aren't a part of her White House life," reported NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell on Friday's "Today Show". "But those trips have been pretty much a secret until now."

Some Associated Press photojournalist had him or herself a red-letter day recently. With a little vetting from a cashier, the journalist confirmed that was indeed the First Lady who'd just check out from an Alexandria, VA Target location. The brief report for "Today" confirmed that Obama was followed closely by an assistant maintaining more than one personal device, but also by a cadre of Secret Service personnel keeping a close but incognito eye on her while she picked up a few odds and ends.