The 'Snow White' Race Continues: Lily Collins Film Moves Release Date Before Kristen Stewart Movie

This race is getting serious. Like two Justin Bieber fans elbowing each other to get closest to the stage, the two "Snow White" movies currently in production continue to leap-frog each others' release dates, pushing them up as far as they can.

The Relativity project, which stars Taylor Lautner's girlfriend Lily Collins and takes inspiration from the original Brother's Grimm tale, was originally slated to open on June 29th, 2012. Universal, who is working on "Snow White and the Huntsman" with Kristen Stewart (and possibly Chris Hemsworth), announced later that their movie would release on June 1st, about a month before the Relativity film...and about seven months before their original release date, which was in December of 2012.

Not to be outdone, Relativity has moved the release date of their "The Brother's Grimm: Snow White" up nearly three months to March 16th, 2012. That's a big commitment for the film, considering they haven't started filming yet. Heck, they don't even have a confirmed title.

It's understandable that these studios would each want their film to release first. It's easy to see audiences going to see one of them, then when the other comes out a month later saying "I just saw a 'Snow White' movie, so screw that." But if these two continue to leapfrog like this, eventually they're going to push the release dates up so far that the quality of the movie will be compromised by the rush to release.

It will be interesting to see how Universal responds. I see them as having two options: try for an even earlier release (tough to do when they haven't nailed down one of their title roles yet), or move everything back to the original December 2012 date. People might have forgotten about the Relativity "Snow White" by then, and they might benefit from the holiday ticket sales.