SNL Takes on the Mitt Romney Tapes

SNL Takes on the Mitt Romney Tapes Thank Goodness, “Fox and Friends” is here to set things right.

If you’ve been watching the media storm that the secretly-taped Romney has stirred up with his great comments about how 47 percent of Americans are on welfare and livin’ the high life of demanding entitlements from the government like food and shelter and medical care, and you’ve been going, where are the other tapes? The ones that will clear his name and bring back my sweet, clean-cut Romney? Well…

Still waiting on those.

But, until then, “Saturday Night Live” is tackling the Mitt Romney videos, squeezing a few laughs into what have otherwise been some politically controversial moments.

The skit shows even more uncovered Romney tapes.

“What’s the big deal?” the hosts cry. “He’s not perfect but he’s human!”

Does Romney clear his name? He takes on a “hamburger sandwich” at the local McDonalds, totally winning votes with some low-income, racially diverse individuals that he in no way gropes.

“I think tapes like these are only going to help Mitt Romney,” the hosts insist.

How about Romney’s run-in with the Cash Cab? Can you answer this question?

“At the Hotel California, you can check in, but you can never…?”

Here’s a hint. It’s not: “Trust the staff with your valuables.”

What about a vulnerable moment, with Romney singing to himself in the shower? No, don’t question why there’s a camera, just go with it, and listen to the beautiful melody of Romney’s song:

“Oh, poor people hate having jobs. The only thing the poor hate more than condoms, is waking up and going to a job!”

If you’ve got a sense of humor about the Romney situation, watch the video. If you don’t… I recommend you pretty much stay away from “SNL” in general.