'Saturday Night Live' Takes on the Debates

'Saturday Night Live' Takes on the Debates Prefer to get your political news from “Saturday Night Live?”

Can’t blame you.

As usual, “SNL” has made politics easy by summarizing the second presidential debate. In the video, Jay Pharaoh as President Barack Obama and Jason Sudeikis as Mitt Romney meet to answer questions from undecided Long Island audience members, “with questions based on the severity of their accents.”

Pharaoh and Sudeikis nail the quibbly tension between the candidates as they slip and slide around political questions from a confused and twitchy audience.

“$400 thousand. Yeah that’s what I pay my cats. Now why don’t you go sit down before I beat you to death with my paycheck,” Romney quips when the president reveals his salary.

The back-and-forth between the two is priceless, and Aidy Bryant as moderator Candy Crowley captures some pretty appropriate exasperation as the two threaten and argue.

“I’m about to cut you!” a frustrated Obama snaps, as Tag Romney helpfully offers from the audience to step in and fight for his father.

 “He brought criminal action against an oil company in North Dakota because 25 birds were killed… 25. Well let me promise you, that as your president, I will never care how many birds are killed. You can kill 250 birds, you can 2,500 birds. If it brings gas price down one cent, I would personally stalk, capture, and strangle every bird in this great land. Except eagles,” Romney promises.

Featuring a cameo by Tom Hanks, SNL manages to poke some pretty good fun both Romney and Obama. Are you swayed?