'Sleepy Hollow' Season 3, Episode 3: 'Blood and Fear' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 3, Episode 3: 'Blood and Fear' Recap Pandora casts a spell, asking for the fear of the Witnesses, and from her box a small dagger emerges.

Ichabod is furious, as all his attempts to save the archives from being turned into a mall are foiled by the fact that only an American citizen can apply to have them recognized as a historic landmark. He won't let Abbie apply, as he sees it as a matter of principle. He decides to become an American citizen, and shares a bit of a moment with Miss Corinth from the Historical Society, who seems flirtatious.

In an office, a dorky man follows his crush into an elevator, and then to a bar, watching her flirt with another employee. Pandora observes him and tells him to show everyone the "real him." She dances with him. He later wakes up in bed, hungover, with the dagger beside him. In the elevator on the way to work he overhears that the co-worker got the number for his crush.

Jenny asks Abbie for help with recovering the Shard of Anubis, still uncertain why it is suddenly so in demand. Abbie tracks down the guy who stole it from her, but finds only a female hitchhiker in the motel room. She realizes her mistake and the woman speeds off, leaving with the Shard (and Randall in the bathtub).

Abbie and Ichabod examine the body in the elevator. Not only was he stabbed to death without any seeming hesitation, he was drained of blood. Ichabod recognized the M.O. as something that haunted him in his childhood... while it went by many names, Abbie would know it as Jack the Ripper.

The Ripper killed Ichabod's college friend, Bertie, in a similar fashion. The college gathered together to track down the killer, but Ichabod's family demands he return home immediately. He came back eventually, but was always driven by fear. He became obsessed with figuring out who had killed Bertie. Now, he has seen the patterns, dating back to William the Conqueror, and believes that Jack the Ripper was an entity that periodically went on killing sprees and had been around for centuries.

Thanks tto modern tech, Abbie finds out what the murder weapon looks like, a long-bladed dagger from 950 A.D. Legend has it the person who wields it becomes overcome with bloodlust. They realize they're not looking for a monster, but for a weapon.

Pandora is in the back seat of the killer's car. He tries to get rid of the dagger, but it overtakes him.

Agent Reynolds wants Abbie to brief him on her findings... over dinner, so they can clear the air. Miss Corinth comes to Ichabod and offers to help him study to become a citizen.

Abbie and Ichabod narrow their options down to a man named Nelson, the murderer, and find him in his apartment. The blade has welded to his arm, and he is overcome with its evil. When he comes at Abbie, she shoots him. He falls out of the window onto a car, but walks away unharmed.

Jenny tracks down the woman who took the Shard and steals it back. The woman seems to follow all the same tricks that August Corbin taught Jenny. The woman won't tell her anything about who trained her, or who wants the Shard.

Ichabod and Abbie do more research and find that, over history, these killings all seemed to end with some kind of outbreak of disease. They conclude that the knife drains blood, but when it feeds on someone ill, it loses its power. He realizes he was taken from school because of an outbreak of yellow fever, not the danger of the murders.

Forensics finds photos of the woman from Nelson's work, Emily, on his computer. They send someone to pick her up to keep her safe while they try to find Nelson. Unfortunately Nelson finds them and kills the officer. Abbie and Ichabod find his body, but no Emily. The find her being held hostage in the parking structure. Ichabod aims his gun (which contains bullets of tainted blood) at Nelson and try to talk him down. They manage to get Emily away but Nelson grabs Abbie.

Ichabod's first shot is rejected, when Nelson's skin seems to turn metalic and reflect it away. Abbie runs off to protect Emily while Ichabod and Nelson fight. Nelson cuts the gun up and stabs Ichabod. Ichabod is badly wounded, but has managed to stab himself with the tainted blood, causing the knife to lose power.

Ichabod fights for his life while Abbie holds him. Pandora appears and tells her he is dying, and she is alone in the world.

Abbie cancels dinner with Daniel (who mentions he doesn't want their past to get in the way of things) to nurse Ichabod, who not only was stabbed, but gave himself malaria and is recovering slowly. She tells him about Pandora and they speculate what she wants in Sleepy Hollow.

Another rose grows on Pandora's tree.