'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 9: 'Mama' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 9: 'Mama' Recap Abbie is having a nightmare about her mother. Ichabod's sneeze wakes her. He has a cold. Abbie tells him to go home and rest but he is stubborn.

She tells him about her dream - she was in purgatory again, and ended up in ruins, where she ran into her mother, who warned her about demons. She's been dreaming about her mother a lot lately.

Reyes calls, but Abbie won't let Ichabod come with her.

3 deaths in 3 nights, all by suicide at Tarrytown Psych. Jenny insists on going with her to check it out. A man named Walter tries to approach them, unable to talk, but a nurse intercepts and leads him off as Abbie and Jenny go to see Irving. Irving denies any knowledge, but can help.

The ladies go over footage from the first death. Jenny says she came here as a child once to try to see her mother, but her last memory was them dragging her away as she screamed at Jenny to get away from there. Jenny doesn't know what Abbie wants to get out of this. Abbie says she wants to know why she was chosen.

They see the footage of the man hanging himself, and apply night vision. Standing in the corner is their mother.

Abbie goes over her folder, back with Ichabod. Abbie thinks back over her memories of her mother, looking for some clues. At the time she didn't know her mother was being tortured by real demons. It all just seemed crazy. Ichabod wonders if somehow the demons who tormented her into killing herself have somehow been using her to have others do the same.

Ichabod notes on a map that the hospital is built on a layline between their world and the spiritual, which may be why Abbie's mother is back. The two argue about Katrina, who hasn't been heard from. Ichabod seems miffed that Abbie has called in Hawley to help her, since he is sick. He drinks the soup Hawley has brought him, and passes out - it was drugged with something to knock him out, per Abbie's request.

Katrina tries to get Henry to tell her the plans for the baby, but he taunts her about her own lack of motherly gifts, and she is goaded into picking the child up. She cannot see it as a demon, spreading black across her skin where it touches her.

Hawley, Jenny, and Abbie stake out the hospital looking for the ghost. In one of the videos, they see the patient from the morning, breaking a mirror and getting ready to use the glass to kill himself. They wrestle it away from him. As Jenny and Hawley wrestle with the man, Abbie sees her mother in the corner of the room. Abbie gasps, and disappears.

She appears in a decrepit hallway. A few figures race past, and the light falls from above, knocking her into the wall. Her mother appears, and tells Abbie it's not safe for her there. A woman comes out of a door, startling Abbie - the nurse from that morning. She says the wing hasn't been used in years.

Jenny and Hawley split up looking for Abbie. Jenny hears her mother. Over the windows on the door, frost appears. Abbie finds Jenny then, and they look at what has been written - TPRJLM12. Abbie says that's record of a video session from a patient there. Specifically, their mother's.

Katrina puts the baby down. In the mirror, she notices that her skin has gone black where the baby touched her. She goes outside and plucks a plant.

Abbie and Jenny go back to the archives and find the video of their mother. In the video, their mother is saying she has to protect her daughters. She says the nurse, Lambert, wants her to "do it." She called her a bad mother and said she needs to end her pain.

Abbie realizes that was the name of the nurse that she ran into, and the one who was with the patient who tried to kill himself. The doctor in the video is telling their mother that there is no nurse Lambert.

Irving is talking with Lambert, who gives him pills. Driven by voices in his head, he tries to drown himself in a tub. Abbie, Hawley and Jenny arrive as he is covered with water, but he has tied himself down. Hawley cuts him loose. He screams that he needs to die. Abbie looks over and sees her mother.

Irving wakes up with Abbie beside him. She tells him he was under psychotropic drugs, which opened his mind to suggestion... especially by demonic influence.

They do research and find the nurse was executed in the 1950's for killing patients in hospitals all over the country. Lambert considered herself an "angel of mercy" by having those in pain kill themselves.

Abbie thinks their mother was trying to figure out how to stop Lambert. She ties it to her final note, "I fought." They go to their mother's old cell, in the abandoned wing. Abbie chips off a piece of the plaster from the wall. They all begin ripping it down, and find a mural dedicated to the girls on the entire wall.

It reminds Jenny - her mother once put her in the car with her and ran the engine, nearly killing them both.

"Even when she was protecting us, we weren't safe."

Their mother appears and tells them they aren't safe. She tells them there's a hex that can protect them from the demon's spells, but she can't remember it (she was trying to use it in the room to save the man who hanged himself). She tells them to find her journal.

Lambert appears and takes Abbie, locking Hawley and Jenny in the room. Their mother says she will get Abbie - they need to find the journal. They go to the archive room and find Lori Mills' belongings, including a journal that belonged to their ancestor, Grace Dixon.

Lambert has Abbie trapped in a chair. She tries to force the pills on Abbie, but Lori grabs her and fights her. As they fight, Jenny chants the hex, and Lambert is torn apart.

Jenny and Hawley find Abbie and release her. Abbie is upset that her mother is gone, and she didn't get to say goodbye, or thank you. Jenny says there may be a way.

Ichabod brings them supplies, and they hold a small seance, summoning Lori. She appears, seeming more centered and sane. She is so proud of her girls. She tells them they have to fight.

Flashback to the moment where she has almost killed Jenny in the car. She seems to shake to herself again, and looks back to where Jenny has passed out. She tries to open the door but it won't. There is a demon behind them. Lori guns the car and reverses out the garage door, yelling at Jenny to hold on.

She tells Abbie to use the journal on Moloch. There is a weapon hidden in its pages. The girls have freed her now, she is no longer trapped. They beg her to stay but she leaves them.

As they're driving home, Irving runs in front of them. He has escaped. There is a target on his back in there. He jumps in their trunk and they speed off.

Katrina makes a potion to send the baby back to where he came from, but when she goes to the nursery, he is gone. She goes downstairs and finds him, a young boy now. He calls her "mother."