'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 8: 'Heartless' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 8: 'Heartless' Recap Ichabod and Katrina spend time together for once, just the two of them, relaxing. She wants him to know she has always been the same person, even when she has had to hold things back. He reminds her secrecy is a hard habit to breka.

Henry pulls a beating heart from a jar and chants, awakening it. Across from him, a naked woman appears.

At a club, a nerdy guy can't approach the nerdy girl he likes. The woman from before appears beside him, looking similar to the girl he was interested in, and flirts with him. They go to his car, and, while making out, she sucks his life force out.

Abraham is furious with Henry. He thinks Katrina was finally breaking down. The woman comes in and regurgitates the life force into a jar. Henry says the will need much more to feed their master.

Abbie and Ichabod view the crime scene, and later review pictures. Katrina points out that there are punctures along where the boy's life force is, and it is therefore supernatural. Either a beast that feeds on life, or some kind of object.

Another victim is taken by the woman, who takes on the appearance of her friend she has a crush on.

Abbie goes to consult Hawley, who, as usual, doesn't want to get involved. He has no information about the wounds. He tries to get Abbie to stay and have a drink with him but she gets unnerved at the suggestion of a date, and leaves.

As Katrina and Abbie discuss the possibilities, they settle on a succubus, which feeds on the inner desires of people. In the bar, the woman, modeled now to resemble Abbie, comes up to Hawley and buys him a drink.

Katrina uses a spell and candle wax to trace where the succubus is, and Abbie realizes that it's at the harbor - where Hawley's boat is. They run there and interrupt her sucking out Hawley's life force. They fight her, and she runs away.

Katrina continues to have visions, as if a part of her is elsewhere. She sees Henry standing over a baby. As the visions get clearer, she realizes it's a hideous demon baby.

They continue to research the succubus, which, they note, should only be feeding monthly, yet has been attacking regularly for some reason. They find information on the Incordata, a succubus which keeps its heart separate from its body. Destroying the heart kills the beast. It is kept on consecrated ground. They do some looking into the trace put on Henry's computer, and find that he had applied for a permit for work in a cemetary.

Abbie and Katrina go to track down the heart, while Ichabod and Hawley go to the nightclub to try to find the succubus. They see her, and Ichabod follows her into a back room. She appears Katrina-like, and tries to seduce him, but he stabs her with a demon-killing knife from Hawley. Katrina and Abbie have found the heart and Katrina is speaking the spell to destroy it, but as the beast is stabbed, she is thrown back. Abbie picks up the book and finishes the spell, as Hawley fights the creature off of Ichabod. The heart burns up, destroying her.

Later Ichabod sees to Hawley's wounds, and Katrina tells Abbie she must return to Abraham to finish what was started. She leaves the task of telling Ichabod to Abbie. Ichabod takes it surprisingly well.

Abraham is thrilled she has returned, and Henry seems pleased as well. He asks if she is still wearing her necklace, and then brings her to look at the "baby," which, under the influence of the necklace, looks like a perfectly normal baby. Katrina is enamored.