'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 7: 'Deliverance' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 7: 'Deliverance' Recap In a tender moment, Katrina and Ichabod lie in bed in the past, speculating over what their children will be like. It dissolves into a nightmare, Katrina waking in horror, still coughing and sick from swallowing the spider.

Abraham tries to help Katrina, but she is certain she has been poisoned and suspicious of him.

As he attempts to care for her, Henry bursts in. Two men hold Katrina and look her over. Henry says he is there at Moloch's command. He has a new purpose for her. Henry and the men drag her off. Abraham tries to stop them, but Henry opens the shutters and he begins to burn. He fights the men anyway, as Katrina breaks free and runs off through the woods.

As Ichabod and Abbie leave their voting booths, a few police come in, and tell her about picking up a Jane Doe in colonial gear. They rush to the hospital, to find her unconscious with a high fever and an infection in her abdomen. She wakes and tells Ichabod that Henry 's men tried to take her. She begins screaming, blue veins creeping over her skin.

When she recovers she tells Ichabod about what Henry said. Abbie decides that Henry will come for her and they need to move her. As they're trying to hussle her out of the hospital, they see the men that came to get her and change course. Abbie goes to fend off the men and Ichabod sneaks Katrina to the archives, where she posts a hex that will warn them if the men approach.

She tells Ichabod all she remembers, including a symbol on one of the men's notebook - Ichabod recognizes it as a symbol of the Hellfire Club, a long-dead organization of evil that Franklin had infliltrated. Franklin had once spoken of a woman with similar ailments, but Ichabod has no idea what happened to her.

Abbie trails the men to an abandoned warehouse. She sneaks in and overhears them discussing a tablet. She snaps up some useful pictures, including veins on a cadaver that match Katrina's. She takes what she finds back, and Ichabod reads more about "inception" in the notebook. They realize Katrina is pregnant with... something. Ichabod suspects Katrina and Abraham, but she insists that can't be it.

Ichabod keeps reading and finds out that somehow it's related to the Jincan. Katrina knows that it has been used to grow demons for centuries - so she's preggo with a demon baby. The hex alerts them of company, and they take to the tunnels. They sneak out to St. Henry's Parish, consecrated ground.

Katrina notes that Henry is a sin eater, and could undo the pregnancy. She and Ichabod fight over Henry's intentions. Ichabod admits he hasn't fully lost faith in Henry. Abbie tries to talk sense into them. With the notebook saying the vessel holding the demon would expire at sundown, Ichabod is willing to appeal to his son. He goes to speak to him.

Abbie keeps reading, and thinks the demon inside Katrina is called the Horrid King... she continues reading, as Henry tells Ichabod what she is now learning - the demon is Moloch. Katrina tells Abbie to kill her to keep Moloch from being born, but Abbie refuses.

Ichabod argues with Henry about Katrina. Ichabod reminds Henry that she was banished to purgatory for love, but Henry insists it was for Ichabod, not him. Ichabod demands he read his sins, but Henry refuses. Not surprisingly, however, he chooses Moloch over his father. Ichabod grabs him and has a vision of a boy running through the forest, yelling for help. "That was you!" he exclaims.

He goes back and apologizes to his wife. She tells him if she dies, he must not give up on Henry. She reminds him to have faith.

Abbie and Ichabod go over the pictures again. The tablet seems to be one that Franklin had noted previously, which could bring demons into the world. The pictures of the template didn't turn out - Ichabod notes the glare around it looks like the Northern Lights, something that Franklin was obsessed with. They pull up his research online and Ichabod reads the code - Franklin built an Aurora prism and hid it inside the tablet. Exposed to sunlight, it can banish demons.

Abbie goes to Sheriff Reyes and tells her it's time for the truth. She tells them about the "Doomsday cult" in the old warehouse and shows her the pictures. Reyes and officers go in and a gunfight ensues. Abbie covers Ichabod as he breaks into the safe holding the tablet. He puts it in his bag. Reyes thanks them, and Ichabod introduces himself as a criminal profiler who specializes in acts of historical significance. Katrina radioes that the demon is coming.

They rush to Katrina, and use the prism. It banishes Moloch as he is being born, but Katrina isn't breathing. Ichabod manages to revive her with CPR.

Ichabod and Abbie argue yet again over Henry. Ichabod tells her of the vision of Henry running through the woods as a child, a memory he wasn't supposed to see. He thinks Henry is still that lost boy. Abbie decides to just take it one win at a time.

In a jar, Henry is brewing more evil.