'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 6: 'And the Abyss Gazes Back' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 6: 'And the Abyss Gazes Back' Recap Abbie makes Ichabod do yoga, which he detests. She calls it training for their work - keeping strong, and stilling their mind. He admits to being hurt by Katrina withholding her information. Yoga isn't helping him feel better, so they go for a drink.

At the bar, Abbie breaks up a fight, recognizing one of the guys as "Joe." It's Corbin's son. She goes to the parking lot to talk to him - she heard about his honorable discharge and his platoon. He blames her for getting his father killed, and leaves.

On the radio, Abbie gets a call about a noise complaint, with Joe's license plate at the scene in the woods. She takes the call. As they drive through the woods, a creature jumps in front of their car. They get out and see giant footprints in the mud, and empty cars but no people in the clearing. Well, there are people... dead. They find Joe a little ways away, wounded. He says it's just the beginning, and that his dad knew.

Abbie visits him in the hospital where he is recovering, trying to get more information, but he doesn't want to see her.

Irving confronts Henry and wants his soul back. Henry tells him the only way is to kill someone - but it doesn't have to be a good person. For example, the guy who hit Irving's daughter and put her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Ichabod does research, trying to find the wood creature they saw, but can't find any leads. He is also skeptical of whether or not Joe is an innocent victim in the situation... Abbie pulls up his report from Afghanistan, which involved the slaughter of his entire platoon by an unknown source, the bodies missing their organs. Joe again was the only survivor.

Ichabod recalls a trip with his friend Daniel Boone, whose brother suffered from PTSD. The brother had attacked Boone, and Boone spent much of his time trying to find a cure for his brother's ailments. Ichabod finds a book with a passage about the Wendigo, which Boone believed to be the source of his brother's madness. A man-like creature, it is a shapeshifter that can only return to human form after the consumption of human organs.

Abbie realizes that means Joe would be the shapeshifter. They call the hospital, but Joe is gone. They go to his apartment, where the landlord lets them in. They find Sheriff Corbin's will spread on the table, and a note to Joe asking him to protect several rare items. On some of the papers they note that some of Corbin's information is incorrect, like his date of birth. Ichabod notes it is latitude and longitude. They find the coordinants on the map - Pioneer Point, where the men were slaughtered.

In the woods of Pioneer Point, Joe is digging up an item. They go confront him, but he races off. In the chase, Ichabod cuts himself. Joe yells at them to run, as, smelling the blood, he changes into the Wendigo. It chases Ichabod as Abbie grabs a gun and shoots it just before it kills Ichabod, wounding it.

They chain it up and bring in Holly. Jenny comes in with organs stolen from the med school, which they toss over to the Wendigo. It eats them and changes back into Joe. He tells them it started when he was overseas. He got a letter covered with white powder - human bone, Ichabod thinks (a la the bone crushed up by Henry). The letter said the only way to be cured would be to trade it for the thing his dad left him. The letter came from Frederick's Manor - they know now it's Henry.

They look at the item that Joe dug up - a box with a super-deadly poison within called Jincan. They know Henry will figure out soon that they have Joe, and the Jincan, which he wants for whatever reason. They need to work on a cure. Ichabod apologizes to Joe for what his son has done, and Joe tells him he should tell his son that he loves him, no matter what happens, as Ichabod admits that he still does care for Henry.

Abbie finds more information on the Windigo and realizes that the next time Joe turns, the transformation will be permanent. Holly says he knows some Shawnee Indians who may be able to help them. They go to meet with a gang of Shawnee bikers, who don't much care for Holly but are won over by Ichabod.

Joe and Abbie talk about Sheriff Corbin, Joe asking why Abbie decided to make the change. She remembers working for Corbin, and how he used to talk about his son (Joe has some jealousy issues since Abbie was "adopted" by Corbin). As she talks, Henry breaks in with gun-toting henchman. In an effort to avoid killing, Joe gives him the poison and goes with him for his cure. In the parking structure, he slits Joe's arm, forcing him to change.

Irving goes to talk to the guy who was driving drunk when he struck Macy, wanting an apology. The guy instead blames Macy, and Irving attacks him. He remembers seeing himself fighting for evil in his vision, however, and stops choking him.

Ichabod has found the cure - reciting a chant over the blood of the cursed obtained with a particular knife. Seems easy enough... However if he has already killed, it will be too late. The same knife will kill him, however. Jenny warns Abbie to be prepared.

Abbie and Ichabod cut their hands and lure the Wendigo down an alley. Ichabod cuts him as Abbie distracts him. Ichabod reads the incantation, but nothing happens... they are too late. Ichabod goes to stab him, but Abbie screams at him to wait. The Windigo changes back into Joe.

Recovered, Joe wants to go back to helping people. Irving calls and tells Abbie that Henry has his soul, and he is lost. Abbie tells him they will find a way to free him. Ichabod is still determined they can save Henry - as Abbie refused to kill the monster that was Joe, he thinks he can bring Henry back somehow.

Henry takes the poison and pours it out. It becomes a spider, and crawls over Katrina as she sleeps. It goes into her open mouth and she begins to scream.