'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 5: 'The Weeping Lady' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 5: 'The Weeping Lady' Recap Miss Caroline, of the reenactment society, has made Ichabod new clothes and churned him some butter. She tries to hit on him, but when he realizes her intentions, tells her he is married. Abbie comes in and Caroline mistakes her for Mrs. Crane, and is mortified.

Katrina calls a crow to the windowsill, giving it a letter and a spell to find Ichabod. Abraham comes in, suspicious, but does not catch her. He reminds her that as his queen she will have everything... but he wants her to come to him willingly, and will not wait forever.

He contacts Henry and wants him to double check that the spell keeping Katrina from performing her witchcraft within the house is working. Henry patrols Katrina's old room, looking for sins.

Two teenagers are making out in a car when the boy thinks he hears a woman crying. They see a woman garbed in lace, with green glowing eyes. She screams and their windshield breaks. They peel out.

Ichabod has Abbie bring him to Caroline, so he can apologize in person. She is very gracious about the misunderstanding.

However, when she goes back into her house, she hears a woman weeping. She follows it to find a woman all in black, in what seems to be water, crying in a room. The figure attacks her.

Ichabod rushes down to the river, horrified by the news. Caroline's body is being pulled from the river. He and Abbie go up river, looking for clues. They find her coffee mug, and tire tracks where the teens left.

They go to the high school, as Abbie knows that area is a big place for making out, and track down the two teens. They reluctantly tell her what they saw. Abbie and Ichabod go to the library and do research on a local legend, the "weeping lady," a drowned woman who killed herself after being jilted by a lover.

Ichabod gets his message from the crow as Abbie looks around. She runs into Holly, who is apologetic. He offers to help them the next time they need him.

Abbie hears crying, and sees the woman in the "water" at the library. She draws her gun, and the woman attacks her. Suddenly there is a hole in the floor, and Abbie is in water, being pulled down. She breaks free and rises, now in the river, but is dragged back down. Ichabod comes to check on her and sees the strange water in the floor, and reaches down. He manages to grab her and pull her free. Holly rushes in and gives her mouth to mouth, reviving her.

After the paramedics look her over, Ichabod shows her what he has found - a story by an innkeeper written in 1779 of the apparation of a drowned woman who killed herself when her love fell for another. Abbie shows him a piece of the woman's shawn that she ripped off. Ichabod is thrown - he recognizes the lace as belonging to a shawl of a woman he was once promised to. He realizes the attacks have been aimed at women he cares about.

Flashback to Ichabod chatting with Katrina, the betrothed of his best friend. Suddenly up comes Mary Wells, the woman he has been promised to since they were children. She has come over from England, concerned about his sudden interest in the colonists. She seems suspicious of Katrina. Ichabod pulls her aside and mentions that they mutually broke off their engagement when he left London, but she was certain it was to give her space so she wouldn't worry over him. She wants to bring him back to England. He gently tells her that he loves her as a brother, hurting her. She says she will be at the inn, and expects him to come and recant.

Ichabod tells Abbie that later he received a letter, apologizing and saying she was going back to England without him. He notes she was always irrationally jealous over him... he looks for the note from Katrina, and realizes it fell into the water when he was fishing out Abbie. They worry Mary may have gotten it, and will be after Katrina next.

They go to Holly for help. He gives them a crossbow with a special bolt. They have one shot.

They go to Katrina's, but it is too late. There is a puddle on the floor, but no Katrina. Abbie says they need to get to the river, where she came up. They rush out.

Katrina, freed of the house, can use her magic, and gets away from Mary temporarily. She runs into Ichabod and Abbie on the bank. She says that dark magic has released Mary, but she can set her soul free. Ichabod goes to talk to Mary to distract her, as Abbie and Katrina work a charm. Mary rushes at Ichabod and he is forced to release the bolt, but it does not stop her. Abbie and Katrina's spell turns her back into herself, and she falls. Ichabod hold her, and asks her why she is so angry, after writing that letter and leaving for England. Dying, Mary points at Katrina.

Ichabod is instantly suspicious. Mary was never one to give up, he remembers. He demands the truth, and Katrina reluctantly tells him that Mary summoned her to the riverbank. She accused her of luring Ichabod and flew at her, falling from the cliff. She died on the beach. Katrina wrote that letter, so Ichabod would not feel guilt, or return to England. Ichabod is horrified by how much Katrina has kept from him.

The horseman flies up, Abbie knocking Ichabod aside in time to save him. Katrina stops Abraham's hand and says Ichabod saved her, asking for his life in return. The two return "home."

On Holly's boat, Jenny awaits him. She is surprised he isn't as happy to see her as usual, and accuses him of seeing someone.

At Caroline's funeral, Ichabod tells Abbie that their first duty is to one another. She notes that his statement seems to be Katrina related, and he admits he does not know where they stand without trust or honesty anymore.

Katrina accuses Abraham of making a plan with Henry to separate Ichabod from her, but he says he had no part in it, and to see her unhappy makes him unhappy. She thanks him.

Moloch is furious with Henry, however. Katrina is one of the Hellfire Shards, he tells him, a vessel, and must be kept alive.