'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 4: 'Go Where I Send Thee' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 4: 'Go Where I Send Thee' Recap In the middle of the night, a young girl leaves her house and wanders into the woods.

Ichabod is learning how to drive. He pretends to be anxious, and then demonstrates that he has been practicing with Jenny and is now an expert. He also lets her know that he understands what she is trying to do - make him able to survive in this new world if something were to happen to her. He promises that will never happen.

They get a text on their phones - an Amber Alert for a missing girl, Sarah Lancaster. They go to the house and speak with the parents. The mother blames herself for falling asleep and not setting the alarm. They have one daughter, who was a happy accident, and two older adopted sons - Ichabod recognizes the house and family as belonging to a man named Daniel Forbes Lancaster, who sided with the patriots rather late in the war. Abbie knows the family because the mother was her caseworker when she was a kid.

They go through the woods around the house and find signs of a struggle, as well as a flute made of bone. Ichabod plays it, and Abbie goes into a trance and starts walking off. Ichabod realizes it's a weapon of a Pied Piper, and explains that an entire garrison was killed in that house in his time, drawn outside and slaughtered.

They record a loop of the music and put it on a phone with headphones. Abbie listens and Ichabod follows her through the woods. They stumble across Holly, beat up and hiding behind a rock. He was commissioned to find a flute - he says there is still time to save the girl.

It is Sarah's 10th birthday, and Holly explains about the Lancaster curse. A Lancaster child disappears when it turns ten. The garrison who was stationed at the house was too friendly with Daniel's daughters, and he hired the piper to kill them. However he betrayed the piper and killed him, throwing him in the river and cursing the family. When a child turns ten, the piper returns to use their bone to make a new instrument.

They agree to work with Holly, who wants the flute in exchange.

Irving is reading up on the End of Days, and has a vision of himself fighting in a war, on the side of evil. The Bible he is reading catches fire.

Abbie listens to the music again and leads them to a hidden area in the woods, where they go down steps and find Sarah shackled up. They aren't alone - the speedy piper attacks Holly, and fights Ichabod with swords that make a painful sound when he swings them quickly. They bomb him and escape with the girl.

Holly refuses to continue helping them and demands the flute so he can go. Abbie breaks it and gives it to him.

They return Sarah to her parents, and go to load up on ammunition and noise-canceling earbuds. Ichabod notes that Mrs. Lancaster didn't seem very relieved to have her daughter back. They go into files and note that every generation one Lancaster disappears at ten, including her older sister. However one girl was recovered before she was killed, and all of her other siblings took ill and died. They understand that Mrs. Lancaster was trying to sacrifice her daughter to keep her sons safe.

They go back to the house, but the boys have already fallen terribly ill. They go into the woods and find Mrs. Lancaster, and manage to talk her down. The piper attacks them and they fight him, Ichabod tracking him back to his lair. His noise canceling earbuds fall out however, and the sword's noise renders him unable to protect himself. Abbie saves him at the last moment, killing the piper.

Irving talks with Henry, who he knows now is the Horseman of War. Henry hints that he signed a contract in blood, and Irving's soul is his now. He offers to protect Irving's family.

Holly sells the bone flute, and it is passed off to the buyer. The buyer crushes it up and tastes it - it is Henry.