'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 2: 'The Kindred' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 2: 'The Kindred' Recap Ichabod wakes from a dream where Katrina is being sacrificed to sanctify the bond between her and Abraham. It's from a lost chapter in the Bible, and if they do not stop him soon, the Horseman will take a bride through this binding ritual... and it won't end well for the bride.

Luckily, Abbie and Ichabod have narrowed down where the Horseman could be hiding during the day. Ichabod knows his friend, Abbie reminds him, and should be able to figure it out from that. Ichabod decides they need to try the estate where Abraham first proposed to Katrina.

Abbie goes to meet the new Sheriff Reyes, who is taking over for Irving and promises to bring sanity back to the town.

Ichabod reminds Abbie that he has a duty to his wife as well as being one of the Witnesses, as they drive to the estate. He promises to try to honor both. They see Katrina at the estate, and go off to make a plan to lure him out.

With the help of Jenny they discover mention of a "Kindred" in Franklin's writings - a Frankenstein-style monster that can be reanimated to prove an equal to the Horseman. Franklin tried to bring one to life previously, but they lacked a key ingredient... a piece of the Horseman. Abbie and Ichabod realize they need to use the Horseman's skull. Abbie is reluctant to bring another monster to life, but Ichabod convinces her it is the only way.

They go down to the tunnels and find the assembled Kindred. With help from Irving, who tells them that the skull is in the safety vault of the bank, they get the creature together. Abbie worries that Ichabod's love for Katrina will ruin them, as she knows her faith in Ichabod is her one main weakness.

Meanwhile, Henry speaks with Moloch, who says he will find his own way onto Earth.

Katrina speaks with Abraham under the spell from the necklace, and he tells her that Ichabod has betrayed her, and chosen Abbie, as Ichabod once betrayed Abraham. Katrina is not swayed, however.

Before Ichabod and Abbie can enact their plan, Reyes finds Jenny in the archives... with a bag of guns. She arrests her.

In prison, Irving takes a lie detector test, which shows he is telling the truth about a demon. However Reyes thinks he is cheating it somehow. She decides to move him into Psych, and threatens him with treatments.

Henry knows that Ichabod has found them, he informs Katrina. Outside, Ichabod and Abbie prepare the Kindred, and reanimate it with a spell. It comes alive just in time to protect them from the Horseman, and it fights off the flaming soldier and the Horseman while Ichabod runs in to Katrina.

However, Katrina wants to remain. She tells Ichabod that she has gotten Abraham to agree to not force her in the ceremony and let her come of her own will. She wants to stay and earn his trust, and gather information on what Henry is planning. Reluctantly, Ichabod lets her remain, and he and Abbie flee, leaving the Kindred fighting.

Henry goes to visit Irving in the psych ward, pretending to be a lawyer. He gives him a contract to sign, with a pen that pricks Irving's hand and makes him bleed.