'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 18: 'Tempus Fugit' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 18: 'Tempus Fugit' Recap Ichabod has orders not to leave his battlefield, but information that Abbie offers about his Hessian soldier brings him to her cell. He is skeptical of her, but she tells him that the horseman has an ally now - a woman who will make sure he dies on the battlefield.

Katrina rushes into the tent where Ichabod is supposed to lay mortally wounded, cut down by the soldier.... but finds another. Abbie has succeeded in keeping Ichabod from the battle that would kill him, but now she is seriously concerned about how this has affected the future. Ichabod's superior also wants to sell her at auction, or treat her as a runaway and lock her up.

Ichabod offers to transport her to this encampment for runaways, though it is hinted that if Ichabod "deserts" again he'll face a firing squad.

Still skeptical of Abbie's story, but intrigued enough to learn more, he has her try to convince him, as they travel to the encampment. Abbie gets the idea to speak to one of the founders, whose information has helped them in the future. The only one available is Benjamin Franklin.

Katrina finds Abraham and tells him briefly that Ichabod has betrayed her, and they must band together to kill him and Abbie.

Abbie and Ichabod go to Franklin, worried of his reaction, but he takes instantly to the pretty Abbie, and believes her story. He is thrilled to hear of what a genius he is considered in the modern times. He makes Ichabod leave so he can hear about Katrina, since Abbie is reluctant to say who the witch in question is, with Ichabod near. Franklin says they must try to reverse the Traveler's spell and go back to where they started, rather than worry over the Horseman and Katrina. There is a short time where they can reverse the spell without any changes happening.

He wants to take them to see Grace Dixon, at Frederick's Manor. He tells Abbie not to tell Ichabod about Katrina - it is the thing he will be least willing to accept. As they're preparing to leave, Abraham breaks in, and manages to behead Franklin.

Ichabod locks Abbie back up, thinking she lead Abraham to Franklin, as she tries to reason with him. He demands the name of this mysterious enemy, and she finally tells him it's Katrina. She tries to get him to look at her cell phone to see pictures of them in the future, but it's too late, he leaves her.

He is dismissed from duty with great dishonor. He goes home to his wife, who is definitely going to kill him as soon as he tells her where Abbie is. He notices suspiciously witchy items sitting out, but is saved from a magical knife in the back by an immediate order to go see Washington. He has them swing by Abbie's cell, and finds her phone. He finally manages to work it, and finds a video of himself.

The Colonel goes to make Abbie answer for her crimes, but he chokes him until he passes out. Now believing her, Ichabod and Abbie set off to get to Frederick's Manor.

The Colonel is aided by Katrina, who takes a little bit of the blood Abbie left on him to find that she is going to Frederick's Manor, and then kills him.

Grace is accepting that Abbie is the Witness from the future, and can reverse the spell. However she will need all her power, and it will mean the house's shields will be down. Abraham and Katrina attack the house. Ichabod fights them, as Abbie and Grace work on the spell. It sends them back an instant before Abraham beheads Ichabod.

Katrina is furious to be returned, and magically attacks Abbie. Ichabod fights her, and ends up stabbing Katrina. Horrified, he holds her as she dies, seeing Jeremy beckoning for her.

Their battle is over, but not the war. Grace has told Abbie that the worst is yet to come.