'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 16: 'What Lies Beneath' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 16: 'What Lies Beneath' Recap When a crew mapping old tunnels of the city disappears, Ichabod and Abbie use their archive maps to go after them, plagued by the journalist brother of one of the men, Calvin Riggs (is he a new love interest for Abbie? Can we please please find someone as charismatic as Ichabod and not another Hawley-type dud?).

They uncover a hidden chamber where the men appear to have vanished. Ichabod notes that it was designed by Thomas Jefferson, his once-mentor and kind-of friend, which appears a touchy subject as Ichabod was "unfriended" by Jefferson for no apparent reason. Typical.

The chamber beneath the city is the Fenestella chamber, designed to hide and keep all the secrets of the state. They find the crew's radio, and are able to contact them. They go in after them, but are chased out by "reavers," demon-like monsters designed to guard the chamber. Riggs follows them into the tunnels and demands answers. Abbie manages to placate him, but he hangs around for the rest of the episode and proves a bad combination of annoying and flirtatious.

Ichabod and Abbie manage to get back to the chamber, using light to keep the reavers at bay, and stumble across the room where all the secrets are kept. They are shocked to find Thomas Jefferson himself - well, a spirit version, anyway, kept "alive" by a combination of witchcraft and science. Jefferson explains that the room is for Abbie and Ichabod, the Witnesses. All the information they need will be there. He hated to withdraw from Ichabod years ago, but it was necessary. Now that the Witnesses are together, the room is theirs to help them in their quest.

However, Ichabod and Abbie choose to endanger the Fenestella by going to the main power source, where the reavers have trapped two remaining men, despite Jefferson telling them that the men should die for the greater good. They get the men out, with the vague help of Riggs, and Ichabod goes back in to destroy the chamber and the reavers before they can hurt anyone else. Jefferson finally admits it's the right thing to do, and apologizes again for not being able to be friends with Ichabod, who he calls a Founding Father. He's less bummed than you'd expect that Ichabod blows up what amounts to his entire life's work, and neither Ichabod nor Abbie seems that distraught that everything they could use in the war between good and evil goes up in flames. Not a single thing tucked into a pocket or knapsack? What a waste.

Boom. Riggs is reunited with his brother and the chamber is destroyed, with it hologram Jefferson.

On the Irving front.... Irving recruits Jenny to help him break into the evidence room, where she follows him, suspicious. She finds him getting information on the Hellfire Club, and they fight. Irving tells her that he is trying to get the money the Club had stashed away to get his wife and kid out of town. He says that a rune protected him from Katrina when she checked his soul - he is indeed corrupted, and he feels like two sides of him are fighting. The rune is failing, and he will be taken over with darkness soon. He needs to get his affairs in order before it's too late. He asks her to help him protect his family.

And then Katrina, who, as usual, is absent most of the episode, wakes up to find Henry in her room. He gives her a rose, pressing it into her hand until she bleeds, and tells her that they can now begin their work together. She wakes - a dream, but finds blood in her palm.