'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 15: 'Spellcaster' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 15: 'Spellcaster' Recap

This week's adventure gives us a little history on Katrina's family, the dawning of the Salem Witch Trials (because was there an event in history that Ichabod and/or his wife didn't somehow factor into?), and a further exploration of Henry and Irving's new characters.

Ichabod and Abbie are on the case after a mysterious figure breaks into an auction house and steals the Grimoire, a rare spell book that had been recently unearthed. He leaves behind him the bodies of the auction house employees, their blood boiled.

Katrina recognizes him as Solomon Kent, a warlock feared by all witches. Her grandmother knew him, back in the times of Salem. He was a reverend and a good warlock, in love with a woman named Sarah. After he confesses his love and tries to kiss her, she struggles, and, holding a tool he has given her, she is accidentally stabbed and killed.

To cover up the accident, Kent makes the body seem like a monster. When Katrina's grandmother confronts him, he uses his powers against her, and makes her seem evil. He stirs up hysteria and begins the Salem Witch Trials, burning Katrina's grandmother. Eventually a coven managed to capture Kent and banished him to purgatory.

They realize two things - that the book has been split up to keep it from being too powerful, so Kent will be after the second half of the book, and two, that Kent is most likely trying to ressurect Sarah somehow, which will open the doors for the dead to enter the world. They track Kent down and fight him, Katrina taking the bulk while Abbie and Ichabod fight the demons he summons. Kent points out that Katrina is exceptionally strong and has a heavy dose of darkness in her. Her eyes go white (the universal symbol for a bad witch, apparently, since Kent was doing that too), but she shakes herself out of it, shocked and drained.

Regrouping, Abbie and Ichabod conclude based off Kent's words that he is actually trying to travel back in time to Sarah, which will of course change the entire world. Irving, who has told Abbie that "they're good," comes to aid them, and they knock out Kent with a sort of magical tranq. Then Ichabod beats the crap out of him for messing with Katrina's family. Abbie stops him before too much damage is done, now that Kent's attempt to flee back in time has ended.

Irving, however, takes an alone moment to snap Kent's neck and steal the book, which he claims disintigrates with Kent's body.

Which brings us to Henry, who has been hiding out in a cheap motel, and seems touched by the kindness that the mother and son who run the place show him. When a gang threatens the mother, Henry later thanks them for reminding him there is a natural order of things, wolves and sheep. He kills the men. Irving rendezvous with him to give him the book.

And then there's Katrina, who has been resting a lot after her incident with Kent. When Ichabod and Abbie leave to get a celebratory drink, not realizing that they have been betrayed, Katrina tries to practice her magic again, playing with a flower she had previously turned colors. Her eyes go white, and the flower freezes and bursts.

Guess we know which of his parents Henry got it from.