'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 10: 'Magnum Opus' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 10: 'Magnum Opus' Recap In an effort to try to find the clues in Grace Dixon's journal, which they have been poring over to no avail, Abbie and Ichabod play a game in hopes that the distraction will rattle something loose for them in their minds.

Katrina uses a mirror to contact them, telling them about Moloch growing so quickly. Icabod tells her there is a weapon, but they need her help. She has to go before they can discuss it further. Henry comes in later and uses the mirror to see the conversation.

Ichabod goes back to the book, which talks about "watchers," another word for witches. Ichabod thinks he has broken the code finally. He breaks an anagram for Enoch's Sword. A sword in the book of Enoch was used by Methuselah to take down 1,000 demons. Could it kill Moloch? Using more code they uncover the "join or die" cartoon drawn by Franklin to unite the colonies. Abbie, however, recognizes the famous snake as something else - a river on the map. The sword is there.

Ichabod points out a part in the journal that says if they don't know themselves completely, they will perish in seeking the sword. They need to have full clarity of purpose.

Henry sends Abraham to seek the sword before Ichabod finds it.

Jenny is transporting Irving to Canada, but they encounter a check point, and Irving slips out of the car into the woods.

Ichabod and Abbie follow the river to the end, looking for the sword. Abbie recognizes the area from her dream of her mother. Abraham rides up, and they hide. Ichabod distracts him from finding the sword until the sun comes up and he is forced to leave. However he manages to take a clue with him. Abbie, at least, saw it, and can remember that it was a plaque with a symbol on it.

Flashback to Ichabod and Abraham as friends. Abraham encouraged Ichabod to become his own man, to join the army and go to the colonies. "Were to meant to teach history, or to make it?"

Ichabod also considers how Katrina put him on his path to become a witness. He wonders to Abbie how he can know himself when others are always determining his life.

Abbie draws the symbol for Ichabod. "As above, so below." Taken literally, they look at the brick wall, and the bricks on the ground, and pry one loose. They clean the area and find a secret staircase. They go below and find stone statues of people shielding their faces. One seems to be an offspring of Grace Dixon. Ichabod tells Abbie to run and not look back, and they dash back up and shut the door before a monster breaks free.

Ichabod says it's a monster he thought was only a myth - a gorgon. Abbie says they need someone without eyes...

Katrina speaks with Henry, who knows about the poison and the mirror. Moloch is nearly ready - soon he will blow the horn and start the war. He drops his enchantment to show Katrina the horrors that her compassion has allowed to thrive.

Abbie and Ichabod lure Abraham down into the passage, where he fights the gorgon and they can run off in search of the sword. In a room they find a bunch of swords, unsure which is the correct one. Ichabod goes to try and bide time, leaving Abbie to figure out which one is the sword they need.

Abraham kills the gorgon, so Ichabod must distract him. He can see Abraham's face, as per the sword. They agree on a battle of honor and fight. Abraham shouts that he was supposed to be the hero in the story, not the villain, but that Ichabod stole that from him. He points out that Katrina always returns to him.

Abbie picks a sword and pulls it free. All the swords turn into snakes. Before Abraham can shoot Ichabod, the horn sounds. Abraham chooses to let Ichabod live so he can see Hell grow around him.

They try to break the riddle about seeing your true self, and realize that the basin in the center of the room is oil, not water. They set it alight and find the sword within.

As Moloch rises and the Horsemen prepare to ride, Abbie and Ichabod have their weapon for the Apocalypse.