'Sleepy Hollow' Season 2, Episode 1: 'This is War' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 2, Episode 1: 'This is War' Recap In the dark, Ichabod calls for anyone.

Abbie flips on a light, and displays a cupcake with a candle. She tells him it's a surprise party. She instructs him to blow out the candle and wish for something good for his birthday - after what they have been through she is ready for some celebration.

He does, but seems sad. Abbie reminds him that "revenge won't bring them back," and that is has been almost a year. They both lost someone they loved.

The storm outside blows the door open, and Abbie's phone rings - a call from the Sheriff's Department.

The attending professor at the historical society has requested them; he has something to show them but feels he is in danger. They pull up, and find the officer outside headless. The horseman is back.

Abbie unloads an arsenal from the back of the car. They enter carefully, but find the professor also headless. On the desk are various papers related to Benjamin Franklin - Ichabod, as it happened, was his apprentice, and not a fan. A potted bonsai plant's roots move on the desk.

Ichabod finds a secret compartment in the desk with files. The horseman bursts in with a gun and the three fight. The horseman throws a grenade and disappears.

Ichabod tries to go after him, but Abbie stops him.

"He killed my wife!" He reminds her. She counters that he also killed her sister. Ichabod relents, and they go through the files. Ichabod finds a sketch of a key he recognizes - yes, the infamous Ben Franklin key. Ichabod was there with him during the storm.

Franklin was disappointed that the lightning had not destroyed the key. His experiments were not related to electricity; he was trying to figure out how to neutralize the key.

In the notes it is called teh Ghenna key. Ichabod says that's another name for Purgatory. It's the loophole for releasing souls from Purgatory, where otherwise it is one in, one out. They realize that Moloch, the guardian, can be released with the key.

However they have no idea where it is. Ichabod reluctantly says they can ask Henry, his son. They go speak to their "prisoner."

Henry, shackled in a room, sees nothing in the files. He suggests Abbie give him something from Corbin. Or, he can read Abbie's hand and see if there's something in there she doesn't remember. They refuse and leave.

Abbie has now remembered that Jenny was sent by Corbin to Philadelphia to acquire a sketchbook of Franklin's. Ichabod is suddenly hit with a strange sensation, where can no longer recall details of their training over the past year. His memory is blurred from the day Henry betrayed him.

He asks Abbie how they captured Henry, but she doesn't remember either.

Henry, in the room, breaks his shackles. He laughs that Moloch sent them to get the information, and know he knows where the key is. They realize they are still in purgatory. Crane is sent back into his coffin, while Abbie stays. She knows now, at least, Jenny is still alive

Henry has Jenny, and goes through her mind for her sins. The page is in code; Henry goes to figure it out.

In his coffin, Ichabod has worked his phone out of his pocket, but has no service. Dirt falls on him and he smells and tastes sulfur.

Abraham unties Katrina, and offers her bread. She stabs him in the hand with the knife, and he ties her back up.

In Purgatory, Abbie is grabbed by Andy, who hides her from Moloch, who is opening a portal to Earth. Andy explains that he has a demon army. They want the key to unleash those in Purgatory to fight for the End of Days.

Ichabod has fashioned some gunpowder in his coffin, and manages to blow himself free. He calls Jenny, who manages to fight her guard and free herself as well.

Andy takes Abbie to Moloch's lair, which has a mirror that can reflect a path to the outside world (the way Katrina was able to find Abbie).

Jenny works on shooting her way out of the building, while Ichabod, who was nearby, grabs an ambulance and burts through a door to give her an opening. He briefs her as they go off in search of the key.

They beat Henry. Ichabod realizes the code is Ben Franklin's own alphabet - and that the key is with Franklin. However, Franklin is obviously not in Sleepy Hollow. Jenny has an idea.

In the car mirror, Ichabod sees Abbie. She manages to summon him. They hug, and Abbie explains the situation.

Jenny and Ichabod go to the statue of Ben Franklin, but it is surrounded. Ichabod remembers Franklin telling him that the "key to success lies under the alarm clock." They go to the clocktower and find the key in a brick labled "BF."

Abraham puts a necklace on Katrina, and she can see him whole.

Ichabod summons the gateway to Purgatory and goes in after Abbie. Ichabod finds Abbie digging around looking for the amulet to protect her. Ichabod gives her water, but before she can drink it, the real Ichabod screams at her to stop. Ichabod and "Ichabod" fight. Ichabod grabs the key and they run off, but he calls Abbie "Lieutenant," and she grabs a sword and chops his head off.

Moloch begins to summon his army. Abbie and the real Ichabod summon their gateway, using the key to get through a gate. They close it just before Moloch rides through. Abbie has returned to Earth, and the key disintigrates.

Moloch appears in a mirror, and tells Henry there is new work to be done. Through a door he summons a suit of armor that Henry can command. Henry gives him a sword, which flames.