'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Necromancer' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Necromancer' Recap Death has been trapped. They leave him in the room, chained, with the UV lights on. Abbie insists on showing Ichabod a fist bump.

With Irving, they discuss what to do with him. Ichabod says perhaps they can use him for information... using someone already dead and able to communicate with him. Ichabod believes Brooks has regrets about the way things ended and might help. Abbie also asks for Jenny, who was just released.

Hunters in the wood find the Horseman's horse, eyes red. One of them puts in a call in another language that the rider is missing, and kills his companion.

Ichabod and Abbie search for Brooks in the tunnels. They find where he keeps clothes, but he's not there at the moment. Abbie says he'll be back.

Irving has Jenny rounded up, angering her. He tells her about the Horseman, being held in a Masonic cell. An officer comes in and tells Irving there's an alarm at Adam's Antiquities. Jenny recognizes the shop - she used to do work there. She agrees to help.

Abbie and Ichabod are going through Andy's things. Ichabod finds Egyptian heiroglyphics - symbols for communicating with the dead. Ichabod realizes Andy is the Necromancer... he is the voice of the Horseman. Andy appears.

They ask for his help, but Andy tells them his soul does not belong to him anymore. The Horseman can control him. Abbie pleads with him, and he gives in.

Jenny and Irving go to the store, where a break-in seems to have been faked. Jenny shows Irving a hidden room. They find the owner in the room, shot. As Jenny staunches the blood, he asks for her to look in a box. It's empty - they got what they came for, an item that can break a hex spell a la the one protecting the Horseman's cell. They're looking to free him. Jenny notes they'll cut power first.

Abbie searches Andy. He reminds them they've been warned. They bring him in, handcuffed to a chair. The Horseman won't talk through Andy, so Ichabod taunts him. As he grabs his jacket, something falls - a necklace. Andy becomes possessed. He says the necklace was Katrina's.

They go to regroup. Ichabod tells Abbie the necklace was a gift from the man who was betrothed to Katrina before she married Ichabod - his best friend, Abraham.

Flashback to Ichabod helping his friend pick out the necklace. He chooses it, since Abraham's taste is too gaudy. At a party, Abraham presents Katrina with the necklace. She says it is perfect.

When he leaves she talks to Ichabod, certain he is the one who chose it. She tells him she's breaking her engagement. Her heart belongs to another. He says he cannot betray his friend. Katrina tells Ichabod she loves him.

Back to now: Ichabod wants to know how the Horseman got the necklace. Abbie reminds him they're looking for his weakness, not showing him Ichabod's.

Irving and Jenny go to the Sleepy Hollow power grid, where they find someone suspicious. A man sneaks up on Irving and they fight.

Jenny and Irving corner the rest of the men, with the help of a TAC team. Jenny finds their van, and notes an empty bag. Something was in there and is now missing.

Ichabod talks with the Horseman. Death claims to know everything about Katrina. He gets angry and says he will kill Ichabod. Things have become personal. The Horseman says that all along Ichabod was his mission - then and now. He was there to avenge Abraham. He says Ichabod betrayed and killed his former partner.

A bomb goes off at the power grid, overlooked. The lights go off in the cell.

They regroup again, in contact with Irving. Two hours until the power is back on, and the Horseman will only get stronger. Abbie wants to be filled in on what the Horseman was talking about.

Flashback: Ichabod and Abraham were charged to deliver a copy of the precursor to the Declaration of Independence. Abraham is distracted, hurt that Katrina has broken off their engagement. Ichabod admits that Katrina loves him, and Abraham has lots of other options. They wish for his blessing. Abraham takes out his sword for a duel, but Ichabod refuses, only defending himself, until it is pushed too far. He fights back. Abraham knocks Ichabod down and stands above him. He is shot from behind - Hessians come in. Ichabod kills them, but more men come on horseback. Abraham yells at Ichabod to leave him, and Ichabod snatches up the all-important declaration.

Ichabod is losing his cool when Irving arrives with Jenny. They say that none of the Hessians they searched had the item that will destroy the hex. Jenny says they'll have to break into the cell and recite an incantation that will allow evil in. They all agree they can't call in back-up, since they don't know who to trust. Ichabod says the Horseman won't go anywhere while Ichabod is alive.

Irving, Jenny and Abbie go off to make sure no one will get in. In the cell, Andy reaches into his own body and pulls out the item they seek, reciting the incantation. Behind Irving, demons drop down and run off. Abbie and Jenny hear whispering in the tunnels, and demons come out after them. Abbie shoots them.

Ichabod goes to talk to the Horseman. He knows there is unfinished business between them. The Horseman says now he will learn. Ichabod sees that Brooks has the object, and the Horseman breaks free. He throws a sword at Ichabod, and they duel. Ichabod realizes the Horseman is Abraham.

Flashback: Abraham is dragged off by the Hessians. Morloch came to him as he died. The Hessians dress him in their clothes and shave his head, and mask him. He wakes, his eyes clear. They brand him.

Ichabod notes he made a deal with the Devil - for revenge.

No, he is corrected. He did it for Katrina. Her soul will be his again. They fight again. Andy calls the demons and tells them to secure the Horseman. The master forbids him from killing Ichabod. The demons sweep in and capture him, and they all disappear.

Ichabod and Abbie discuss it. Who is Ichabod meant for, if not the Horseman? They do know one thing, at least - they have found the Horseman's weakness. They need Katrina.