'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Midnight Ride' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Midnight Ride' Recap It's Boston, the night of Paul Revere's ride. 4 men ride with him, and are killed by the Hessian.

Ichabod and Abbie set the cabin straight in preparation for the Horseman's ride. Ichabod has a meeting with the Masons he must go to, though Abbie is not allowed.

Abbie runs into Luke Morales, who wheedles her. He wants to be friends, still. He suggests coffee, and she agrees for the next day. They are observed.

That night someone calls to Morales from a dark alley. It is Brooks, stunning him. He warns him to stay away from Abbie. He is the only one who can protect her from Death, and the end. He warns Morales to pick a side.

Ichabod goes to his meeting with the Masons, but something is wrong. He finds they have all been beheaded.

Irving keeps the true cause of dead on the DL for the time being. Ichabod is upset at the death of his bretheren. Abbie tries to comfort him, but Ichabod sees a picture of George Washington, slashed at the neck. He realizes that the Horseman came searching for his skull, which would awaken the other three horsemen. He is trying to hasten the apocolypse. They need to destroy the skull.

Irving admits it's at another lab. He's still skeptical about the whole situation. He goes to retrieve the skull at the fisheries and wildlife lab, where it has been hidden. The attendant, Paul, tells him it has been scrubbed of all DNA. It's eyes open - the Horseman is outside. He comes in with a gun and kills Paul. Irving fights back and manages to escape with the skull.

He talks to Abbie and Ichabod, finally convinced, though all cameras cut out and he has no way to convince others. They try to destroy the skull in various ways, but nothing works. As Ichabod and Abbie leave, they see four lanterns in the parking structure and go to examine them. They are the hollowed heads of the Masons, with candles inside.

Ichabod realizes something. When Paul Revere rode in and delivered his message, he was given a book of secrets. The man who hunted them was the Hessian, and he wasn't there to stop the war - he was there to find the book of secrets that could destroy him.

They go to the Tarrytown museum looking for this manuscript. While Icahbod informs tour guides how misinformed they are about Paul Revere, Abbie talks to the curator and finds that the manuscript is on loan to London. The good news: it's been uploaded to the Internet.

They go to their secret room and look it up. Ichabod says it's in code, and to decode it, they first need to know the password. Abbie gets a ding on her phone - a reminder she has a coffee date with Luke. She goes off, calling him to cancel, but he panicks and ignores her call. Brooks comes up from nowhere, startling her, and she punches his jaw out of place. She is amazed to see him. He tells her he's looking out for her, even though he sold his soul. He warns her she cannot kill Death... but she can trap it.

Ichabod sees a light glinting on the skull. He turns it over to find the back of the teeth have been covered in silver, "cicero" written on them. The password. He goes to find Abbie, and discovers Brooks. He tells Brooks to have the Horseman meet him at the cemetary come dark... and to never speak with Abbie again.

He shows Abbie the decoded text. Sunlight can trap the Horseman. They need a witch to turn the moon into the sun, since he only comes out at night. Abbie explains they have UV light in this century. They enlist Irving's help and make a variety of faux skulls, while arguing about Jefferson's affairs with slaves.

Ichabod goes to the cemetary with the skull, and is chased down into the tunnels by the Horseman. Skulls are everywhere to distract him. Abbie lures him off with the true skull, then falls, yelling for Icabod to help her. She has broken her ankle. As the Horseman goes for her, Irving hits the UV lights, stunning him. Abbie, who is fine, and Ichabod shackle the incapacitated being.