'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 4: 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' Recap The Boston Tea Party. Ichabod and his Captain sneak into a ship. The Captain makes Ichabod man the door. As the Captain goes to steal the cargo, there is an explosion.

In present day, Ichabod sits in a car and talks about his deep and undying love for Katrina. A woman from the security company sobs over his story and he thanks her for unlocking the car.

A van careens through. Alarms go off. Abbie comes up to him: Jenny has escaped the mental hospital.

Abbie asks Irving to postpone the search for her sister, so she can have a chance to find her. Irving gives her 24 hours, since she is convinced there is some connection to the murders.

Jenny goes to a bar and gets her things from the bartender, Wendel.

A man gives piano lessons. He gets a call with a robotic voice. It tells him Jenny has escaped, and they believe she knows where item 37 is. The voice instructs him to find Jenny and get item 37. A clean up crew will be sent.

The man goes to the bar, which is closed. The man and two others menace the bartender. Wendel whips out a shot gun and threatens them, but the man easily grabs the gun and chucks Wendel aside.

They hold him down and prepare to torture him. He admits that Jenny was there, but the man tortures him anyway.

Abbie works on tracking down Jenny while Ichabod goes through her file. He notes she traveled a lot when she wasn't incarcerated or locked up. He wonders why she would return to Sleepy Hollow when all that awaited was incarceration. He asks Abbie about her family, and she tells him their dad left, and her mother was hospitalized for a break down, and the girls ended up in foster care.

He notes that she had one foster home, and Jenny had seven. She was in the last home a year; he suggests they speak with them.

Jenny preps herself in a dingy bathroom, loading guns and looking at a newspaper clipping of her sister.

Irving goes to the bar. Wendel has been decapitated.

They go and speak to the foster parent about Jenny. She mentioned Sheriff Corbin, who caught her shoplifting but let her go. Ichabod is surprised, since Jenny claimed she didn't know Corbin. Abbie notes the condition of the house and gets angry at the woman for abusing the foster care stipend. Abbie threatens her, and the woman says that Jenny used to go to a cabin that belonged to a friend.

Abbie tells her to expect a call from Social Services.

They go to the cabin, and Abbie breaks in. Ichabod realizes that the house belonged to Sheriff Corbin.

Jenny comes up behind them with a gun. Abbie draws hers, and it is a stand off. Ichabod yells at them until they put the guns down.

Abbie asks about Corbin. Jenny tells him that he believed her. She helped him find rare objects, obtain answers. She says he came to visit her before he died. He felt something was coming for him. He needed her to go to the cabin and keep something safe.

Jenny pulls it out - a sextant, for sea travel. Ichabod notes a symbol on the leather. He explains that in his time, the British had acquired a device that would turn the war in their favor. Jenny asks which regiment he was in, and he says the 37th. They tracked the weapon to a shipping warehouse in Boston Harbor. Ichabod devised a diversion (the Boston Tea Party), to sneak in and steal the weapon. However, things did not go smoothly. The Hessian soldier guarding it took his own life with a bomb, and only Ichabod survived.

He saw the stone chest they had been sent to steal. He sent it back to Washington, but never saw what was inside.

He flips a hanging painting of a revolutionary battle scene and lines a flashlight by the sextant. It's a projector, as Washington crafted them to hide maps. It shows the location of the chest.

A laser appears on the wall and they take cover as shots are fired.

In the fighting, Jenny manages to catch the piano man, though the others get away... with the sextant.

They question the man, and Ichabod notes a tattoo on him marking him as a Shadow Warrior, like the Hessian he beheaded. Ichabod asks him what's in the box and he says it's a doorway to the 7th circle of Hell, where 72 souls wait.

Jenny recognizes the legend of a book of black magic written by King Solomon, with rituals to conjure 72 demons locked in Hell.

Irving and his crew go to the man's home, having found his prints. Irving wonders what's happening to his town.

The man tells them that there are people like him all over, waiting. Abbie asks who the leader is, and he says they saw him in the forest. He bites a cyanide pill and dies, after speaking in German.

"Moloch shall rise," Ichabod translates.

Abbie tries to call in Irving, but Jenny insists they have to do it themselves. Ichabod shushes them and tries to recreate the map using his handy photographic memory. They go off in search of the Key.

The men who stole the sextan arrive at the church where the Key is located. They find it and cut their palms, dripping blood on the book. The bloods is absorbed and writing appears. The man reads aloud, and behind him flame appears as the portal opens.

Abbie and Jenny creep in, horrified by the portal, where demons are struggling to burst through. They shoot at the men, and fight. One holds Jenny over the portal, where a demon reaches for her, but Ichabod saves her.

As the fighting continues, however, Jenny is capture. A man threatens to kill her unless Abbie brings him the book - she throws it on the portal, and it seals itself back up, taking the book with it.

Jenny has been brought to jail. Abbie uncuffs her. Jenny asks about Ichabod, and Abbie tells her about being witnesses. Jenny is angry that Abbie has been chosen after turning her back on everything, and Abbie thinks perhaps this is her punishment. Abbie can't take back what she did, but she can try to make it right. She slides over paper for her to sign: it would let Abbie have legal conservatorship over her sister.

Jenny, however, is not sure she can forgive her sister.

Ichabod pulls Abbie aside, showing her a passage in "Paradise Lost" that mentions Moloch.