'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 3: 'For the Triumph of Evil' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'For the Triumph of Evil' Recap Captain Irving brings in Abbie and the forensic psychologist. The Captain tells her Crane is already interrogating the suspect. Ichabod is yelling at her in the interrogation room... it's Abbie Mills.

Outside the glass, Abbie says that she didn't do anything wrong, did she? Ichabod looks up, eyes white, and tells her to stop lying. The door locks her in and the lights flash. She screams to be let out, and behind her, a white figure with dark eyes and no mouth looms up.

Abbie wakes, her phone buzzing early in the morning. Dispatch has requested her.

Abbie tells Ichabod about her dream. Captain Irving comes up to them and asks if she knows a Dr. Mara Vega. Abbie does not, but apparently the woman is on a ledge, and will only speak to Abbie.

Abbie goes to the window and talks to Dr. Vega. The doctor tells her she was wrong. Her sister Jenny was telling the truth. The woman turns, and her eyes are white. She is the forensic psychologist from the dream. She tells Abbie they've all have it coming, and she jumps, killing herself.

Abbie tells the Captain and Ichabod what happened. Ichabod asks to see the victim's eyes, and as they are examining one, it pops and sand blows out.

Alarmed by what he has seen, the Captain wants everyone to keep quiet. He offers to get information for Abbie on the woman.

Abbie quietly tells Ichabod that Vega was in her dream. He tells her it was prophetic. He believes she is one of the two "Witnesses" that Washington's Bible foretold.

The two watch a video of Vega speaking with a young Jenny. They go through her notes. Vega was beginning to believe Jenny. Ichabod notes that Vega kept Jenny committed, however... Abbie thinks that closes the case, and is the reason Vega tracked her down. Ichabod reminds her of her dream, and says they need to speak to Jenny.

Abbie refuses, but finally gives in. They go to visit her where she is institutionalized. Abbie says Jenny will not help them; she is a cop, and Jenny is a criminal. She broke into a sporting goods store and stole survival gear. She told the cops she was preparing for the End of Days.

The nurse calls room 49, triggering a memory... a dream of Corbin telling her not to be afraid of 49. The nurse tells Abbie that Jenny won't see her.

Ichabod notes she is an officer, and Jenny must speak to her. Abbie won't go with it, so Ichabod asks the nurse to see if Jenny will speak with him.

She will. Ichabod tells her he has seen the demon in the woods as well. Jenny shushes him, reminding him they'll lock you up for talking crazy... it's why she is in there and Abbie is out there. Ichabod tells her that Dr. Vega killed herself, and said that "we've all got it coming." He asks her what killed the doctor. He tells her the Horsemen are coming. Jenny gets upset as he talks.

He asks for her help fighting. She replies if what he says is true, it's all over, but the crying. Her conscious is clear, but maybe he should ask if Abbie can say the same.

When they leave, he asks for the truth from Abbie. She finally tells him that when they were in the woods, they saw the creature. She fell asleep, and then woke up. It had felt like a few minutes, but it was four days. A rancher finally found them... seeing the beast in the woods.

She told Jenny not to tell the truth, but Jenny did. Abbie denied it. Her parents were finally out of the picture and they ended up in a good foster home... she wanted things to stay good and Jenny threatened that with her honesty.

Ichabod tells her that there's no need to still be frightened of the truth. He asks about the rancher, but Abbie said he never admitted to seeing the demon. Ichabod wants to go pay this Mr. Gillespie a visit.

Said man is in his wood shop, having a beer. He begins to fall asleep in his chair when there is a thump. He gets up to go see, scratching his leg on the table. Nothing. He grabs a gun. He whirls and sees the mouthless figure, shooting, but nothing is there.

The captain is miffed to find a sign in his office (the horse crossing with the head missing from the rider). Morales admits to putting it there as a prank. A call comes in: shots fired at the ranch.

Abbie and Ichabod arrive at the ranch just as the Captain does, surprising them all. The suspect has his wife at gunpoint and won't speak to anyone. The radio announces that he wants to speak to Mills. Abbie goes in.

Inside, she sees a broken mirror, and a broken picture frame on the floor. She finds Gillespie on the floor with a gun. His wife tells her to run, he has lost his mind. Gillespie looks up at Abbie: his eyes have gone white. He tells her she can't help him. Behind her, the figure looms, and Gillespie shoots at it.

The Captain tries to send in reinforcements at the sound of the shots, but Abbie stops them. Ichabod runs toward the house but she sees him in the window and stops him.

Gillespie tells Abbie that the Sandman is coming for her next. "Next time you fall asleep, you're dead."

He shoots himself.

Ichabod later tells Abbie it wasn't her fault. Abbie tells him what the victim said.

They do research as Abbie pops energy drinks. She looks into dream spirits... most are easy-going. However, there's a Mohawk dream demon. Ichabod recognizes the myth... and the eyeless figure.

Ichabod worked alongside American Indians in his past life. He heard this tale of the evil dream spirit, who will punish you for turning a blind eye on anothers' plight.

Abbie doesn't want to die for something she did over ten years ago. Ichabod wants to speak to a shaman... Abbie has bad news for him about the American Indians.

They settle for going to meet an Indian who works as a used car salesman, Seamus Duncan. They ask for help fighting the dream spirit, Ro'kenhrontyes. Duncan dismisses them.

They chase him down. Icahbod asks what he will do when the spirit comes for him for turning away. Reluctantly, Duncan agrees to help them. He takes them on a trip to the desert.

He tells them the spirit taunts his victims first, driving them to pain until they take their own life. He takes the souls of the unredeemed to Hell with him. He gives them tea that will take them to the dream world, where they can fight him. There will be a challenge they must win.

If she dies in the dream, she dies period. Ichabod grabs the tea quickly and takes a swig. Duncan tells them the tea will put them to sleep, but scorpion venom will allow them to control their actions. He straps the two down to tables, and puts scorpions on them.

They dream.

They are in a forest, looking for each other. The figuere is behind Abbie. It throws sand into her eyes. In real life, her eyes open, white now.

Ichabod searches for Abbie, but finds a red door. He opens it.

The figure tells Abbie she has been weighed on the scales and been found wanting. She shoots at it, but it does nothing. Abbie sees herself in the room where she and Jenny were taken as children. She sees Jenny telling the truth, and herself as a child preparing to deny.

The figure looms before her and asks her what she saw.

Ichabod is in the police offices. He sees Vega and Gillespie, hanging, and a noose waiting for him.

The demon asks young Abbie what she say, but she denies it. It turns and asks Abbie what she saw, but the denial is ripped from her. It reaches its long fingers toward her.

Ichabod stops him, and the spirit fights him. It lops off Ichabod's arm, and sand pours out of the wound. Abbie yells at him to stop. She shouts that she saw a demon in the woods, and she lied. The spirit turns to glass, and Abbie shatters it with a chair.

Abbie and Ichabod wake up.

"Seven years of tribulation, huh?" Abbie muses.

The Captain finds them in their secret room. He tells them not to break anymore walls to get in; he'll give them a key. He asks if it's over, and tells them that's all he needs to hear. He sends them home to sleep.

Abbie tries to thank Ichabod. He tells her that she needs to go see her sister, but she's already planning to go. She goes to see Abbie, but finds Jenny is missing from her room. Abbie tells the nurse to lock the building down, and she finds where Abbie has cut an escape hole in the ceiling.

"She's good."