'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 12: 'The Indispensable Man'/ Season 1, Episode 13: 'Bad Blood' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'The Indispensable Man'/ Season 1, Episode 13: 'Bad Blood' Recap Abbie leaves a message for Ichabod on his phone. She hears something behind her - Andy.

Ichabod continues to research December 18th. Flashback: Washington tells Ichabod that he may be called on to continue the fight, and good will always rise like Lazarus.

Andy tells Abbie Moloch wants a map that he can get with with Bible. If she gives him the Bible she'll be spared. He tells her Ichabod will give her soul to Moloch, it's a prophesy. He wants to help her because he loves her. Moloch is sending soldiers.

Abbie goes and tells Ichabod what she was told. Ichabod puts the glow-paint on his Bible, and finds a note from Washington to Ichabod. He explains he was ressurected after his death, and could bring information between the worlds. He drafted for Ichabod a map to purgatory.

Ichabod realizes if he finds the map, he can free his wife. Abbie wants to get it before evil does, and uses it. There is an index of those present at the ressurection - including the reverand Knapp who was killed after guarding the head for centuries. Ichabod believes if they find the beads he used, Parrish could read the sins on it and pull out information.

Irving gets grilled about the murders related to when his daughter was possessed.

Andy apologizes to Moloch and asks to be made into a weapon. Bugs swarm around him and encase him in webbing.

Parrish and Ichabod go to Knapp's grave, and find him well-preserved. Parrish says the beads were definitely used for something unnatural. He sees them bringing Washington back to life, but the beads burn his hand and he cannot go on. There is a hex on them. He tries again, thrown down. He says he saw Washington ressurected, and Knapp on a shoreline, delivering something.

Abbie scolds Ichabod for pushing too hard and too fast in an effort to get Katrina. She reminds him this could open a gate between worlds, and one day he may have to choose between the greater good and his wife. As they're talking, a monster attacks Parrish. Henry and Abbie fight it, and it bursts into pieces.

They reconvene. Ichabod decides that the secrets would be buried with Washington, which means there will be false graves. Parrish thinks back and remembers seeing Knapp in the boat... with a body.

Andy bursts free from his cocoon - he is a monster now.

Ichabod, Abbie, and Parrish search for Washington's body. He is still very set on freeing Katrina, and Abbie asks Parrish about the prophesy where one Witness turns on the other and gives them up. He tells her more about it, and reminds her prophesies have a way of fullfilling themselves if they are believed in too strongly.

Ichabod finds a rock in the woods and turns it. A secret crypt opens.

Irving finds his daughter getting a DNA sample removed. There was DNA found on the dead father that she killed while a demon.

In the crypt, they search for where Washington's body is hidden. Ichabod finds that his ring will open a secret door. A coffin is revealed, and the flames alight in the lanterns. Inside, Washington's skeleton lies. Ichabod takes the map from Washington's hands.

Monster Andy leaps into the crypt. It takes Abbie's gun and throws Ichabod. He knocks over a lantern, sending fire into the crypt. Andy chokes Abbie but Parrish touches him, and he sees his past. Andy lets Abbie free and tells her to destroy the map, and release him. Abbie stabs him through the head as Moloch begins to get hold of him again.

The fire is growing but they have been sealed inside. They retreat deeper, and Ichabod finds a way to open another door. Andy rises, evil again, and Ichabod tells Abbie to shoot a lever. It brings down the whole crypt as they fight their way out to freedom. Abbie tells Ichabod that Andy said to destroy the map or Moloch will use it to win the war.

Crying, Ichabod burns the map, apologizing to Katrina. He says it's worth it to forge his fate with Abbie and not risk betraying her. Abbie promises him they'll save Katrina somehow.

Irving turns himself in for murder.

Ichabod sits distraught, thinking of Katrina. He grabs a notebook and begins replicating Washington's map with his photographic memory, tears running down.

Moloch summons something in the wood... another horseman runs through the trees. Parrish wakes from his dream.

Ichabod sees Katrina walking in a field. He follows her and finds soldiers from his war. Confused, he grabs Katrina but it's another redhead. He believes he is in a dream but she explains it's a reenactment. He realizes he can buy more clothes.

Parrish calls and says he needs to see Ichabod and Abbie immediately. They wait for him at the cabin, but Abbie finds out Irving confessed to murder and wants to go. Parrish comes in and tells them that he believe Moloch is going to release hell on earth. Surrounded by four white trees, he saw Moloch bringing a creature from the earth, and the second horseman with a flaming sword, beneath an eclipse.

And of course it's a solar eclipse that day... and the 13th anniversary of the day Jenny and Abbie saw Moloch.

Abbie goes to see Irving but finds he has already been transfered. He left something for Abbie.

Ichabod finds that a binding spell on the soil the horseman emerges from may keep him from running free, but they'd need a witch... and have none available. Ichabod confesses he copied the map. He points out the gateway, the spot between worlds. Abbie shows them what Irving gave her - Knapp's datebook, recording meetings with Corbin.

Jenny pulls Abbie aside and tells her she doesn't want her to do this. She doesn't want to lose her sister again. The two embrace.

Ichabod, Abbie, and Parrish go looking for the gateway. Parrish tells them purgatory is all an illusion. They must not believe anything, nor take food or drink or they will be trapped. He tells them to remember each other when down there and to hold tight to each other. They recite the incantation. The scene around them cracks, and they walk through the gateway, holding hands.

Abbie wakes in a bed in the cabin, a bandage on her head. Corbin and Andy come in to check on her. They tell her she was knocked out in an academy training accident and is recovering from a concussion. She hugs Corbin, but realizes she is supposed to remember something.

Ichabod calls for Abbie. He goes into a building and is met with applause by men of his time. He sees his father who tells him he has returned a war hero. He has been granted a full professor-ship. Ichabod says he was disavowed by his father when he turned against England, which his father laughs off. They hug. He calls for drinks.

Corbin sets apple pie in front of Abbie. She nearly takes a bite as Corbin says it's like old times - she remembers Ichabod telling her they can never go back to the times they miss. Abbie realizes it's not real. She looks at her pie and blood pours out of it. The cabin begins to shake, and she sees Corbin headless, and Andy begging for his soul back. She busts open the door and races out.

Ichabod's father tries to cheers with him, but Ichabod remembers suddenly telling Abbie about his father disowning him, and how he dreamed of being a professor. He stops before drinking and throws the cup in the fire. His father, eyes black, bites the glass, blood coming from his mouth.

Jenny goes through the tapes from Cobin's meetings with Knapp. He thinks there are answers in the ruins of the Trinity Church. Jenny grabs her coat and runs off.

Ichabod goes through purgatory, where there are monsters and a faceless girl crying in a chair. He finds Abbie lying prone on the ground. They aren't sure the other is real until Ichabod gives her a fist bump. They avoid the lost souls and go to the church, where Katrina is.

Ichabod explains what is happening but she tells them no soul can leave without forgiveness. It will break down the walls between worlds. Reluctantly she tells him there is an alternative but it requires great sacrifice. Her soul can leave, but only if another takes her place.

Ichabod offers to stay but Abbie says she will stay and face Moloch. Ichabod reminds her it will fulfill the prophesy but Abbie insists. Katrina puts an amulet on Abbie that will keep her safe, and promises to come back and free her. Abbie and Ichabod hug as he swears he will return for her. Outside, Moloch beats at the window. Katrina and Ichabod summon the gateway and go through, casting one last look at Abbie.

Abbie goes through the woods, as Moloch races after her. She fights back, and throws the amulet onto him, burning him.

Katrina is shocked to be back in the world, and meets Parrish. The eclipse is approaching. Katrina tries to cast a spell to find where they need to be, her power weakened. Finally it works and they go to find the white trees where the second horseman will emerge.

Jenny goes to the church and prowls around, trying to figure out what it is that Corbin wants her to find. She listens to his recording, which states that the name has been changed often and the original seems hidden. She sees a key blowing in the wind and uncovers something beneath it. She drives off leaving a message for Abbie - the Saint's name is a sign was to be taken literally. Her message is cut short when the first horseman shoots through her window and her tires, flipping her car.

Moloch chases Abbie through the woods. She finds herself in her childhood dollhouse, with young Jenny and teen Abbie. They tell her there's a reason she can't remember the day she saw Moloch - they explain that she saw much more. Moloch took out the memory, and locked them away in the dollhouse. They are the memory.

Katrina says something is wrong. The horseman is not there. Parrish tells them the meaning of the word apocalypse is to reveal, and traps them against the trees. He explains that he gave them all faith, and faith blinds people to what's in front of them. He says the binding spell had nothing to bind - the second horseman was already on earth.

The young Jenny and Abbie explain that there was a reason they were sent to see Moloch that day. Abbie remembers what she couldn't before - the Sin Eater being pulled from the earth. He is the second horseman.

He tells Ichabod and Katrina he is only half mortal - he is their son, Jeremy. Katrina's coven buried him and left him to under a death hex in a pine box.

He cuts himself and the blood makes the ground fall away where his coffin was. He tells them death would have been a gift. He was in the box for two centuries crying for vengance, before the voice of his true father offered him salvation. God sent a witness to try and stop him but she was not strong enough at the time.

Abbie remembers what happened now, but young Abbie tells her this is her home.

Parrish continues - he explains he came across St. Henry's Parish once he was freed from the earth, and took it's name. The sign lies beside the broken Jenny.

The horseman rides up to the trapped Katrina and Ichabod. Parrish/Jeremy tells the horseman Katrina is finally his, and he takes her and rides off with her. Ichabod is released and falls into the pine box that kept his son confined.

He tells him war has been waiting there all along.