'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 11: 'The Vessel' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 11: 'The Vessel' Recap Abbie encourages Ichabod to come out... dressed in more modern garb. She teases that Moloch won't recognize him.

Ichabod struggles over one thing that Moloch said... the "saint's name," he warned him, when telling him he would steal Abbie's soul. Ichabod changes back into his usual clothing.

Irving has brought in the man who threatened his daughter, but the man, on polygraph, but he insists he does not know what transpired. Irving seems to realize what happened, and wants to talk to the woman the man bumped into.

She comes into the station, and pats an officer, transmitting the demon. Irving gets a call from a creepy voice... from inside the department. The voice wants Washington's Bible, or they'll take his daughter. Irving walks into the office and makes eye contact with the officer, but by the time he gets to him, the demon has been passed on.

Irving calls his priest, who says it's a possession. He goes to Ichabod and asks about the Bible. He wants them to find out why the demons want it so badly, and takes Macey to a safe house.

Abbie goes through Corbin's documents and finds record of a woman that seemed to jump from body to body but couldn't recall what she said. There is a recording. Jenny is the possessed girl.

They stop watching the video and call in Jenny. She says she remembers nothing of it. They agree to watch it so they can figure out how to take down the demon.

The demon within Jenny says the vessel has been chosen. The war will come, and Corbin will be among its first casualities... and the demon will kill the sister. The demon flies at Corbin, knocking over the camera, and Jenny turns off the video. She says Corbin took care of the demon, it's gone. She refuses to help.

Two officers, Jones and Morales, help Irving and his ex bring Macey to the safe house... passing the demon back and forth between them.

Ichabod goes to talk to Jenny, who is sitting in her truck. She tells him that after she saw Moloch in the woods, she would lose time and wake up without remembering the things she said or did. Even after the demon was gone, she'd sometimes hear voices, and feel strongly toward Abbie, thoughts of killing her... so she would break laws and get herself locked up to keep Abbie safe.

Irving's priest blesses the doorway of the safehouse as Morales approaches. He can't cross, there is salt on a threshold. He tells the other officer to move the salt, which he does. Morales kills him.

Ichabod and Abbie watch the video again, with Jenny on board now. They note something is restraining the demon - salt on the floor. But what extracted it? They play some of the video where the demon speaks backward, and Ichabod translates the ancient language - "Ancitif cannot be defeated."

Abbie consults one of Corbin's books and finds the demon Ancitif. Jenny stares in horror at the picture. It was sent to destroy desciples, but was cast out with an ancient lantern. Jenny recalls seeing one.

Ivring arms himself at the safe house. Macey goes to her room to study, and Morales shuts the door behind her, pretending to guard. Irving goes outside with his ex, who wants to know what's happening. She tells him she's strong. He gets a phone call from Abbie, who tells him what they learned. As he talks he gets a call from Morales, who, as the demon, tells Irving he failed.

Irving busts into her room to find Morales down, and Macey suspended in the air, possessed.

Abbie, Ichabod, and Jenny are off in hunt for the lantern, from some apocalype fanatics she has met in her smuggling.

The priest tries to get the demon out of Macey, but it doesn't work; the demon snaps his neck. Macey struggles with it, but it takes her over, and demands the Bible. Her mom breaks free, and is taken hostage.

Irving calls Abbie and says he's going to get the Bible... and to stay away. They realize Macey must have been possessed. Abbie and Ichabod go through the trap-laden compound, to keep Jenny from getting shot or arrested. She talks them through the way, and Abbie sees the lantern. They grab it and sneak back out, but are caught by a group with guns.

Ichabod and Abbie explain a life is at stake, and that the war against good and evil has resumed. It doesn't work. The leader cocks his gun, but Jenny is behind him with two guns. She is recognized, and she tells them they'll return the lantern. He lets them go.

Irving and the demon look for the Bible, but it is gone. Irving talks to Macey inside the demon. He tells her she is strong. For a moment, Macey's voice comes out, but then the demon fights back, and knocks Irving out.

The lights go out, and Jenny comes in. The demon recognizes her and asks if she still has thoughts about killing her sister.

Abbie taunts it, and the demon tries to get to her, but is stopped by a line of salt. Ichabod sneaks behind it and closes the salt circle, lighting the lantern. Ichabod uses it to pull the demon out of Macey. Her parents hug her.

Jenny stares at them, upset, and Abbie hugs her. She gives in and hugs her back.

Abbie, pulling the Bible out at the cabin, wonders if Irving would really turn it over. Abbie admits too that she was angry at Jenny, believing that she stayed away because she hated her. Ichabod prepares a mixture and applies it to the Bible - it makes the invisible ink he correctly identified glow.

"December 18th, 1799" is written in what Ichabod recognizes as Washington's hand. Abbie notes Washington died the 14th, but Ichabod is certain.