'Sleepy Hollow' Season 1, Episode 10: 'The Golem' Recap

'Sleepy Hollow'  Season 1, Episode 10: 'The Golem' Recap Abbie goes to the cabin to talk to Ichabod, who is angrily chopping wood, still so confused over the discovery that he has a son. He wants to contact Katrina.

A taxi arrives - Ichabod has called on Parrish, the Sin Eater, to assist him. He wants Parrish to try to reach across the realms and contact his wife. Parrish has never tried this, but agrees, as long as they understand that there are incredible risks.

Ichabod is prepared - Parrish begins to choke him.

Ichabod is transported to a church, and sees Katrina. He asks her about their son. She tells him that his name is Jeremy, after Ichabod's grandfather. She explains she did not know she was pregnant when she put him in the cave. When her coven found out she had helped him, they came after her, and she fled.

She gave up Jeremy, for his safety. She left him in the care of Grace and her husband, Joseph, a pastor. She explains the place where they are is the place she gave him up, which she must revisit as punishment.

Ichabod vows to free her, and to find out what happened to Jeremy.

There is a banging on the doors. Katrina tells him to leave as a creature bursts in. Ichabod wakes up.

In the woods, the creature crawls free of the earth.

Abbie suggests they go check out the records at the Historical Society to search for Ichabod's predecessors. He asks Parrish to stay and help them. Abbie notes he has no family left... but he can join them, and they can all help each other. He agrees to stay another night and assist.

Irving goes to his church to talk about the Witnesses. His pastor tells him usually, as martyrs, witnesses and their followers die.

Ichabod, Abbie, and Henry Parrish go to the Historical Society and find information on Grace Dixon. She and her husband were killed when trapped in a fire. Abbie reads that the locals were frightened of young Jeremy, who, they claimed, could start fires just by crying. Jeremy was found, uninjured, after the fire, and sent to an orphanage.

Ichabod is upset that his son was reponsible for the death of Abbie's ancestors. Henry notes the employee working there knows more than she lets on... he can sense her sin of lying. Ichabod goes to find her, and discovers she has snuck out the back.

The woman rushes to her car, but is caught by the golem. Ichabod and Abbie find her car destroyed outside, the dead woman within.

Irving goes to pick up his daughter. He apologizes to his ex for not being there for her.

Abbie and Ichabod go through the dead woman's belongings once they have been released. Abbie pulls out a box that alerts Henry. He says it is filled with pain. Ichabod recognizes the symbol on the box as the crest of Katrina's coven, the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. They realize the librarian was a witch.

Inside there are books, one of which has a sketch of the doll that Katrina gave to her son Jeremy in their final moments. Abbie recognizes seeing it in her dream as well. Henry touches things, overwhelmed by pain. He thinks the box belonged to Jeremy. The priest who ran the orphanage was cruel, and one day, while beating Jeremy, a drop of his blood fell on his doll and he accidentally turned it into the golem. The golem killed the priest.

Ichabod connects the dots and realizes the golem has followed him back to kill the witches that were in Katrina's coven.

Irving walks with his daughter in the park, and goes to buy her hot chocolate. The vendor's eyes go foggy and he tells Irving she must be strong to fight for her soul, because they have a plan. Irving grabs him, and as he bumps into the woman behind him, a rush of yellow transfers into her. The poor vendor is frightened and confused.

Henry speaks with Ichabod, who is guilty he wasn't there for his son. Henry says Jeremy is molded from the same clay, and Ichabod grabs Washington's Bible, which is molded from clay and was there to guide him. He finds a reference to the golem.

They also find, within the librarian's things, many many tickets for a traveling carnival to see the Four Who Speak as One. Abbie recognizes them from her dream, and they decide they are the four who banished Katrina. If they put her there, they can bring her back... unless the golem gets to them first.

They go to the fair outside town. Ichabod insists on seeing the women alone. The four, who obviously speak as one, recognize him. They say he will seal their fate... tonight they will die. He says he can save them, and explains. They tell him that altering fate was the same mistake Katrina made.

They explain that Jeremy's golem killed anyone that came near the boy, and the two were hunted. The witches offered their help, but Jeremy refused, so they banished the golem to purgatory. They offered a place in their coven to the now-powerful Jeremy, but again were refused. The coven invoked a hex to stop Jeremy's heart, and they buried him.

The sisters say that only Jeremy's blood can end the golem, and they tell Ichabod to run as the tent begins to shake. Outside, the golem is wreaking havok on the carnival. As mirrors break, Ichabod is stabbed. Henry tells him his blood is also Jeremy's blood, and Ichabod takes the piece of glass and runs off.

He confronts the golem, and thanks him for being there for Jeremy. He tells him Jeremy is gone now. The golem is placid for a moment, but then rushes at Ichabod, who stabs him. As the golem falls, Ichabod holds his hand. The creature dies and becomes a toy again.

Later, Abbie gives Ichabod a Christmas stocking with his name on it. She goes to get food, and Ichabod is sucked into the mirror. Moloch tells Ichabod he will deliver him Abbie's soul.