Sigourney Weaver Returns for Ghostbusters Reboot

One more big-name star of the original Ghostbusters movies has officially joined the cast of the reboot which will hit theaters next year. Weaver will join most of the original cast in the new movie, including Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Ernie Hduson. The fourth original Ghostbuster, Harold Ramis, died in 2014.

The announcement of Weaver's involvement in the project came from Paul Feig, the film's director.

"Gang, trying to keep surprises but this is about to leak, so I'll tell you myself: the awesome Sigourney Weaver is going to be in our movie!," Feig tweeted.

No more details were released, and it's not clear whether or not Weaver will reprise her role as Dana Barrett, who was BIll Murray's love interest in the original film and a victim of world-threatening demon possession.

The new film will star Kristin Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones as a new all-female group of Ghostbusters. It will also feature Chris Hemsworth.