Shia LaBeouf Reportedly Beaten Down in Bar Brawl By Shirtless Man (Video)

While in Vancouver shooting a movie called "The Company You Keep," actor Shia LaBouef reportedly got into a bar brawl with a large, shirtless man, and seems to have gotten the business end of a beating if footage of the event and pictures are any indication.

Vancouver News 1130 reported that: "It's not exactly clear what provoked the attack but LaBeouf threw down with another man inside the Cinema Public House.  Security kicked both parties out and that's when the other man tore his shirt off and started beating the actor."

Pictures and video from the event have started emerging via TMZ (below), and it doesn't look good for LeBouef. He is getting punded on by the man, and has to be saved by a disabled man wielding crutches. He tries to get back up and go after the guy but is stopped. Not. Good.

This is not the first time LaBouef's temper has gotten him into trouble. "The Transformers: Dark of the Moon" and "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" actor was briefly handcuffed by police officers during a scuffle in a bar at Sherman Oaks, California back in February.

At the time, Radar Online reported that the incident started after one of the bar’s regular customers, Mark Mastro, throw a gay slur against the actor and the actor responded. According to Mastro, in that incident, Mastro tried to get away from LaBeouf but Mastro said, “He was getting in my face.  He was talking sh*t.  He was chest-bumping me. That's when the bouncer jumped in, a bouncer put Shia in a head lock.”

There's no reports so far on what exactly transpired to get LeBouef in a brawl with the mysterious hairy shirtless man, but you can watch a video of the alleged brawl below: