Sheryl Crow Casually Reveals She Has a Brain Tumor

Sheryl Crow Casually Reveals She Has a Brain Tumor There are certain things you can mention casually in conversation. "I bought new shoes yesterday" would be one of them. "My car wouldn't start this morning" is also acceptable. But "I have a brain tumor" is generally not included in the same category.

Nonetheless, Sheryl Crow dropped that bomb ever so casually in a recent interview when she was asked about her memory. "I worried about my memory so much that I went and got an MRI, said Crow. "And I found out I have a brain tumor. And I was like, 'See? I knew there was something wrong.'"

Luckily, the tumor is benign, so it's not likely to cause any serious health issues for Crow. Her rep revealed later that the tumor is meningioma, which is actually quite common.

That's especially good news considering that Crow is already a breast cancer survivor, as she had successful surgery back in 2006. Hopefully Crow won't have any continuing problems with her memory either, seeing as her job is singing lyrics and whatnot.