'Shawshank Redemption' Tree On Its Last Limb

A tree in Ohio is in danger of dying. That wouldn't normally be news, but when the tree is the famous oak that played a major role in "The Shawshank Redemption," it is.

A harsh storm last week damaged the tree to the point where it might have to be cut down. Recent photos of the tree show that the trunk was split near the bottom and half the tree is now on the ground. Officials in Mansfield, where the tree is located, are currently working to save the tree.

The oak was featured prominently in the movie as the spot where Andy hid a box for Red with instructions on where to find him. It is now a major tourist attraction along with other spots around Mansfield, including the former penitentiary where the movie was shot.

For now, it looks as though the oak might be okay, and officials will certainly want to do what they can to save it. I guess you better get busy livin', or get busy dyin'...even if you're a tree.