'Selfie' Season 1, Episode 7: 'Here's This Guy' Recap

'Selfie'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'Here's This Guy' Recap While Eliza has lots of online friends, only Henry is her friend in the real world.

He brings her a rotary phone, which he thinks may teach her a few things. Eliza reflects on how great it is that he's always teaching her things and she's always letting him - she believes nothing can come between them.

When she goes to let herself into his office, door closed, and is intercepted by his assistant, she is surprised and argues.

The door opens and she meets Julia, the woman Henry met on the street. Henry says he is "courting" her. When she leaves, Eliza asks if they're dating, and he says yes. He waits for a high five but she just storms off. She's angry he hadn't told her before.

He talks it out with Larry, who says women are jealous creatures. He thinks Julia will become threatened when she finds out how much time Henry spends with Eliza.

As she does laundry, Eliza tells herself everything will be fine and things won't change, but Bryn overhears and tells her about an old friend she lost because she wasn't supportive of her new boyfriend.

Henry and Eliza both apologize and Eliza promises to try to be more supportive. Henry suggests they make some "modifications" in their relationship, and cut back a little on their "work."

Sam catches Eliza and asks about her roughly 300,000 followers. He suggests she introduce the keynote speaker at their conference.

She wants Henry's help to prepare, but he is having lunch with Julia. Upset she's being cut out of his life, she goes to Charmonique, worried she is being paranoid, but Charmonique tells her this is how things usually go. She tells her she has to do something to flip it, not be supportive. They stalk Julia online, but can't find anything negative about her.

She tries to talk Julia down to Henry but it backfires and he is disgusted with her.

He goes to Julia's to make dinner, wondering about how long it will take, as he has a "work" thing (helping Eliza with her speech). Julia is fine with that, as she is having a bad day. Someone left a bunch of negative comments about her online.

Knowing it was Eliza, Henry stands her up. Finally she appears, but only to yell at her for what she did. He tells her they are done.

She runs into Bryn who is bringing a cake to her old friend Thistle to try to get her back. Eliza decides to try to bake a cake as a peace offering for Julia. She brings it to her clinic, but strikes up a conversation with a little girl in the waiting room and comes to the conclusion that she doesn't need to beg. She can handle it all on her own. She leaves to go work on her speech.

Julie brings the cake home, not knowing who it is from. Henry sees the card, however. He tells Julia about his friendship with Eliza, who has the conference that night. Julia is not at all threatened.

Eliza goes on stage to do her introduction, hurt that Henry is missing it. She does well. Afterwards, she runs into Henry, who was watching the whole time. They make up.

She goes to Julia and apologizes for the bad reviews.