'Selfie' Season 1, Episode 5: 'Even Hell Has 2 Bars' Recap

'Selfie'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'Even Hell Has 2 Bars' Recap Henry is thrilled to receive an invite to his boss' house in Santa Barbara - when people get invited to spend a weekend with Sam, they usually get promoted.

He goes to cancel his weekend with Eliza, but she has gotten an invitation as well. He think she is probably just supposed to be his plus-one, but she reminds him she is top in her sales department, and she is NEVER anyone's plus one. People are her plus-ones!

She argues this fact as they go to the house, until Sam greets her as the plus-one. She wants to storm off, until she finds out about all the fancy services offered.

However, there is no wifi. Eliza comforts herself with her swag basket, as Henry goes on in great detail about his plan to woo everyone at breakfast.

His breakfast talk, however, only bores everyone. Eliza, who has slept late, comes down and declines the horseback riding they were planning, in favor of the pool. Everyone decides to join her, upsetting Henry, who has only his riding clothes. When Eliza suggests they go "Oprah Sight-seeing" everyone joins her on that as well.

On the walk, Henry tells her to quit drawing attention from him. She accuses him of boring everyone and being too stuffy. To remedy this, he goes skinny dipping in a nearby lake, not hearing the story about how Sam's wife saved the lake, and it hasn't been touched by a human in ages. She is horrified and cries.

In the room, Eliza points out a leech on Henry's neck, but he misunderstands and yells at her about being the leech. She says she just wanted to help.

Henry runs to dinner late, and apologizes for ruining everyone's weekend. Sam confesses that he just wanted a chance to see Henry relaxing and being himself, to decide if he should be promoted. That is why he also sent Eliza an invite - she brings out the best in Henry.

Henry goes to find Eliza, who is looking for service on the lawn. He grabs a horse and runs over to her to tell her he was wrong, and he sees now that she was actually helping him.