'Selfie' Season 1, Episode 3: 'A Little Yelp From My Friends' Recap

'Selfie'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'A Little Yelp From My Friends' Recap Eliza admits she is overly attached to her phone. This becomes evident when Henry tries to take it away from her for the staff meeting and she licks it.

During the meeting, she is on the phone the whole time. The president talks about how they are a family, and how they should rate how they feel about each other. Employee Larry rates Henry a 9, but Eliza gets a 0 from Joan.

Eliza admits to Henry that she ate Joan's lunch one day. Henry tells her that her next assignment is to befriend Joan.

He demonstrates how to be friendly on Larry as Eliza eats her lunch over the trash can for her digestion. Only it's Joan's lunch again, and when she tries to mimic Henry's chat on Joan, it fails miserably.

She decides to Internet stalk Joan but can't find a thing, so she asks Charmonique for help. She shows her that Joan isn't on social media, only Yelp. She's addicted to Yelp. Eliza finds out about a dance class she takes and decides to make an appearance.

Larry's wife Nancy has left him, and he goes to Henry for comfort, catching Henry off guard.

Dance class goes well, and Eliza uses Joan's Yelp reviews to connect with her. They even decide to grab a pizza. At Joan's house, however, Eliza slaps a roll away from Joan's husband, noting that he's allergic to oregano (a fact Joan never told her). After some prying Joan realizes she has just been Yelp stalking her.

The president of the company wants Henry to be there for Larry, so he lets him stay at his place. Larry becomes determined to get Nancy back with a flash mob and forces Henry to help him make break-away suits.

Charmonique calls him out on it when he enters, and informs him that Nancy hates flash mobs, and Larry tries to do them for her all the time. He is yelling about his problems with Larry to Eliza, when Larry overhears and changes his number to a 0. Henry apologizes and explains that Nancy would appreciate a small gesture more. Larry decides to bring her flowers and patches things up.

Henry buys Eliza a trash can to eat over in his office. She explains it's just something she has always done because no one would eat with her. He stands with his lunch and they eat together over the trash.