'Selfie' Season 1, Episode 13: 'I Woke up Like This' Recap

'Selfie'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'I Woke up Like This' Recap Eliza's long morning routine causes her to miss a Women in Pharma brunch. Henry lectures her on finding a proper role model.

After several trial and errors, Eliza decides on her old high school enemy, Corinne McWaters, the girl who used to bully her. She has Internet stalked Corinne, whose life is perfect, and decided on her. She goes to a book reading by Corinne, who is now an author. Eliza is shocked when Corinne starts talking about how she was voted "most butt" and her hair cut off at a sleepover - since those are things she did to Eliza. Eliza starts ranting about stealing her life, and gets kicked out.

She brings Henry with her to confront Corinne, who is vaguely apologetic for taking Eliza's life, but she "needed it more." Eliza tells Henry that she spent most of her life trying to be someone else because Corinne made her feel bad about the girl that she was, and now Corinne has taken that girl for herself.

Meanwhile, Charmonique has found out that Henry used to skateboard, and is trying to get him to help out her son. Henry is forced to admit finally that he only said he skateboarded as a kid to seem cooler. Kids taunt him, and he goes to the skate park, and finally, terrified, tries to skateboard. He hurts himself but is proud, and Eliza is inspired.

She goes home and puts a picture of her old self on the mirror, cutting off her hair to look like the girl and putting glasses back on. Freddy wants to "get to know" this new her.

At the skate park, Henry talks with his new friends about Eliza, and tells them that he blew his chance with her, but next time he will be ready.