'Selfie' Season 1, Episode 12: 'Stick in the Mud' Recap

'Selfie'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'Stick in the Mud' Recap Eliza is avoiding her sister Bethany, who was always the golden child of the family. Henry tells her to consider it a challenge, and rise to it.

Henry is looking forward to the company 10K, which he wins every year. He is horrified to find out that Saperstein has decided to change it up for a Mud Run - Freddy's idea.

Per Henry's insistence, Eliza meets with her sister Bethany, determined to prove that she is doing just fine. Bethany announces that she is pregnant, immediately detracting from Eliza's thunder.

Freddy pushes Henry into doing the Mud Run, so Henry watches videos of him competing online, trying to size him up and study his technique. Eliza forces him to rise to the challenge and let Freddy train him.

Eliza takes Bethany to the race, with a promise from Bethany not to upstage her (which she doesn't seem able to keep, try as she might).  As they're prepping to go, Freddy and Henry have a tiff, and Freddy becomes determined to prove another obstacle for Henry during the race.

Eliza wounds Bethany, who goes back to the apartment. Meanwhile Freddy traps Henry in a mud pit, and the two fight.

Eliza yells at Bethany for getting all the attention growing up, and Bethany reminds her that their parents were going through a divorce when Eliza was young, and no, she didn't get as much attention, but it wasn't either of their faults.

Henry and Freddy tie the race. For second place. Charmonique, encouraged by Bethany, comes in first. The two decide to bury the hatchet, and, with relations repaired with her sister, Eliza reaches out to her mother.