'Selfie' Pilot Recap

'Selfie'  Pilot Recap As a kid, Eliza Dooley was unpopular, and voted "Most Butt." Now, as an adult, she feels she has her things together. She's Instafamous, after all! And her mini skirts have made her the best performing sales rep at her company.

On a business trip, Eliza flirts her way to an upgrade, and goes in to see her new boyfriend... not realizing, as everyone else has, that he is married. She finally notices his ring tan, and pukes. Carrying her puke bags back to coach, they break all over her. Everyone laughs, and she's horrified that people like seeing her like that.

She hides in the bathroom, and makes a dress out of blankets to go home in. In the elevator of her building, she overheards neighbor Bryn and her friends talking about her affair, and yells at them. She doesn't realize they were discussing their book for book club.

Sick, Eliza tries to get some of her friends to bring her ginger ale, but no one will. She discovers she is alone and friendless, for all she has followers on social media.

At a work meeting, the CEO introduces them to Henry, who single-handedly rebranded a failed nose spray. In an aside, he invites Henry to his daughter's wedding, and tells him to bring a date, as everyone thinks it's weird that he's alone so much.

Eliza goes to Henry's office and begs him to rebrand her, telling him all that has happened and how people aren't there for her. He breaks down and agrees to work on her, as long as she knows that it's professional interest, not romantic. He begins by walking her through a conversation with the receptionist Eliza always ignores.

Henry arranges for Eliza to attend the wedding with him, and gives her very specific instructions on how to look. Desperate, she enlists Bryn and her book club friends to give her a "makeunder." They do - Eliza's first taste of friendship. Henry is struck by how nice she looks when he picks her up, but won't admit it. He tels her to leave her phone.

During the wedding however, Eliza is becoming overwhelmed with emotion. She deals with it the only way she knows how - she plays a game on her phone. It distracts everyone and mortifies Henry. After the wedding they fight, and he calls her a lost cause.

At work Eliza strikes up a conversation with the receptionist's child, and Eliza realizes she is really changing and paying attention to other people for once. She goes to Henry's house to tell him this, and asks for him to keep working with her. He admits to being a little stuffy, and they both agree to work hard to continue her self improvement.