See Jimmy Kimmel as Your Favorite Characters!

See Jimmy Kimmel as Your Favorite Characters! Oh, Jimmy, you so funny.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to see Jimmy Kimmel dressed in drag, than I worry, a little, I really do.

But you’re still in luck.

TV Guide did a hilarious Emmy preview photo shoot staring the “Jimmy Kimmel Live” star. Kimmel dresses up as characters from all your favorites—“Game of Thrones,” “Breaking Bad,” “Mad Men,” and “Downton Abbey,” “Boardwalk Empire…” All your dreams come true.

Especially great is Kimmel posing as a sultry, sulky Khaleesi, complete in belly-baring leather. He also steps into the slick, liquor-soaked shoes of Don Draper, and perfects the sassy old-lady tilt of the Dowager Countess with a confident grip of the cane.

While not as hilarious, Kimmel also channels Walter from “Breaking Bad,” in a surprisingly spot-on impression.

What did Kimmel say about his strange experience?

"Now I know why they need a butler to help then with their clothes in ‘Downton Abbey.’ As for Khaleesi — I look more like a member of Poison than Khaleesi. I do feel like Walter White. I kinda look like him. It's amazing what a little glue and hair from some unidentified animal will do."

The newly engaged late-night star has an interview with the magazine, in which he discusses his ratings climb, and his preparation to host the upcoming Emmys. His show, “Live,” also received its first nomination.

Of the honor, Kimmel says:

“It meant a lot to us because it can be disheartening after a while. You work so hard and people seem to like it, but year after year after year you don't make it into the top six. So everybody was really excited. As a matter of fact, people were more excited than I imagined that they would be. We don't expect to win, and I won't prepare any comments because I know we won't win. I know it's a cliché, but it's nice to have been nominated.”

You can read the full interview here.