See the Digitally Altered George W. Bush Head from 'Game of Thrones'

See the Digitally Altered George W. Bush Head from 'Game of Thrones' Hey, remember that time when "Game of Thrones" put George W. Bush's head on a stick? Yeah, well they felt pretty bad about it and ended up pulling the episode for alterations.

It's back now (online at least), and you can see the alteration that HBO made to the episode in order to make it acceptable. Basically, they shrunk Dubya's chin, making him look like Dubya if he had just eaten an especially sour lemon.

This digitally altered version will now be the one available on HBO Go, and HBO will even start making new DVD sets that include the change.

Was it a huge overreaction on the part of the Internet, and subsequently HBO? Probably: the head was barely recognizable in the first place, and if Benioff and Weiss hadn't mentioned anything in the DVD commentary, it probably wouldn't have been an issue. Still, lesson learned: don't use a president's disembodied head on a wall of traitors, even if it means you have to shell out a few bucks for a new head.

Check out the before and after pics below:

If you missed the episode of Game of Thrones, you can watch Season 1, Episode 10 - Fire and Blood here.