Sean Spicer Still Doesn't Like Melissa McCarthy's Impression of Him

Sean Spicer Still Doesn't Like Melissa McCarthy's Impression of Him

Outgoing White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed Melissa McCarthy’s Saturday Night Live impression of him in an interview with Fox News on Friday, July 21.

In his first interview since resigning from President Donald Trump’s staff, Spicer was asked by host Sean Hannity what he thought of the Ghostbusters star's impersonation of him.

“I think there were parts of it that were funny, but there’s a lot of it that was over the line,” he said. “It wasn’t funny. It was stupid or silly or malicious. But there were some skits on late-night television that I did crack up at. So sometimes it can be funny. Some of the memes you have to crack up about. But sometimes it goes from funny to mean.”

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Alec Baldwin's impression of Donald Trump on SNL has also drawn headlines.