Screw 'Good Morning America,' Robert Pattinson Will Hit 'The Daily Show' First

Screw 'Good Morning America,' Robert Pattinson Will Hit 'The Daily Show' First Well, we thought that Robert Pattinson's first television appearance since being cheated on by Kristen Stewart would be on "Good Morning America" next Wednesday, but now it seems that Pattinson will be making an appearance even earlier than that. Hey, duty calls. The guy has a weird film to promote.

Sources out of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" say that Pattinson is set for an interview on the Comedy Central program on Monday, August 13, two days before his scheduled appearance on "Good Morning America." Unless Pattinson schedules something this week last-minute, this should be his first interview since the scandal.

If anyone can be trusted not to attempt to dig into Pattinson's personal life, it's Stewart: he's generally very respectful of his guests (even if it's Bill O'Reilly) and will likely keep the conversation on "Cosmopolis" only, if Pattinson requests.

However, I for one hope that they do bring it up, because only Jon Stewart could take that topic and make it not awkward, defusing the situation with a few good laughs. Even if Pattinson requests to avoid the topic of Kristen, you can expect Jon Stewart to obliquely make a joke or two.